I had the marina coil fitted 14 months ago - at that tim...

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I had the marina coil fitted 14 months ago - at that time I was an emotional wreck because I had recently got divorced, moved countries, changed jobs and suffered depression. The reason the marina coil was fitted was because of excessive bleeding - it was more the hormone treatement i needed because my tubes were tied 10 years ago. A couple of days after the fitting I suffered with awful back pain, at the time I did not connect this to the marina because of all the other "stuff" happening in my life. The bleeding prety much stopped, when it is my "pms" time, I still suffer with cramps, but that is far easier to manage than the overflowing bleeding - I have also realised that I get a lot more migraines something I never had previously except for the odd headache. My problem is that because I am overweight when I go to the doctor with my severe back pain which affects my legs, my right hip and left shoulder I am told it is my posture or my bed or my weight. At the time it did not occure to me it may be the marina - however after a year where I sometimes cannot move, cannot sleep my joints feel as if they are sezzing up and the excruiating back back I have aged so much. And it doesnt seem to help seeing the doctor as I feel they are prejudiced and are set that my pain is self inflicted. When I realised it may be the marina (hindsight is a wonderful thing) I did some research on the internet and found many woman suffer with back and joint pain - I went to my doctors in tears as I cannot live on strong painkillers for the rest of my life and told her about my research she was quite arrogant and annoyed and prompty told me that "no one has ever complained to her about back pain - and also that not at any of the seminars she has attended has back pain ever been mentioned, and even though she referred me she made me feel she did not think I was doing the right thing. What infuriuates me is that everyone reacts differently, but it only took me 10 minutes before going to the doctor to do a search on the internet find out there are other women who suffer with back pain why is it that we have these wonderful sites weher we can share our experiences but that this is not review or acknowledged by the medical profession. Oh yes, when I found the courage to have my strings checked they could only find one - so where is the other one - It wouldnt surprise me if that is the object which is messing with my nervous system and causing so much pain.... I WOULD BE REALLY GRATEFUL IF YOU HAVE SUFFERED ANY BACK, JOINT OR MIGRAINE PROBLEMS TO LET ME KNOW? I realise it may only be a small percentage (not sure where the figures are) of women who have an adverse reaction to the mirane but for that small percentage of us - it is a LIVING HELL!!!! I cannotwait to get it out!!!!!!! tx for reading this

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi i had the coil for about a year, was very active person loved running gym but after fitting it in Feb 07 i could not be bothered doing anything. I also noticed that i had inherited a very sore back accross the bottom of the back and had a very sore left hip right on the joint. sad So if i did go for a run i could not go far as i was in so much pain during and after was a lot worse. I have also gained weight sad and felt like i was not with it a lot of the time. Had it removed14 Feb and felt better almost straight away smile fuzz feeling was gone next day only thing is i have put on some weight but hope it will go as soon as i feel like doing exercise. Not sore to get removed would never get one again. Never stopped bleeding had maybe 10 days in a month. Nightmare.
  • Posted

    i had my coil fitted just over 2 years ago. For the first year everything was ok but now what a nightmare! I have constant back pin and a strange pain in my left hip was is so painful i sometimes waken up at night to walk about. I used to go out power walking but that has all stopped as it takes me all my energy to get through my days in work. My sex drive is at a all time low and my patience is very thin. My doctor has no sympathy or time to give me advice. My sister has just had her coil fitted and is experiencing all the same horrible side effects as me and plenty others as i have just read about. Think its time for it to go!!
  • Posted

    sad just found this post while i was searching for some answers about the marina coil, i had it fitted 10 months ago i bled for a few weeks and for the next 7 months i had what i can only describe as bloody slime every so often, i am suffering from the worst back,hips,legs,breast and head pains, im going dizzy and if i didnt know better id say i was pregnant (im not)!

    ive had enough and at 40 years old im goin to get it changed to the coil i had before which was the uhd or something like that, i had periods but my god non of the pain!

    i was never told any of the side effects when i went for it putting in (which hurt like hell) wish i was a man sometimes lol


  • Posted

    Oh please don't tell me that it gives you pain I had marina fitted 2 weeks ago to slow periods down as i have problems with back/hip pains more so when i am on. I was advised to have it fitted as it would stop the monthly water retention and causing me more pain every month After reading about it now i am beginning to think did i make a big mistake.
  • Posted

    I had the marina coil fitted jan 08 because i have psos and the bleeding was stopping me doing everyday tasks. Last month i was off sick with sever lower back pains (like back labour) i never once put it down to the coil. I have now had a proper period my first since having it put it and the period pain is worse than before. I wasnt told this i was told it would last for 3 plus years then need changing !!!!!

    Not sure i can put up with this back for another 18 mnths id rather it was took out, but the nxt step is full hystarectomy(sorry 4 the spelling). Im only 39 for gods sake.

    Any one got ant suggestions please

  • Posted

    I have recently been experiencing terrible spasms in my spine. I have IBS and thought it must be trapped wind. The pain got so bad I had to attend A and E, they did xrays and blood tests but came up with nothing. They sent me home with more painkillers. I went to my doctors and he did not think it could be wind, it has been nearly four weeks now. I had the coil fitted 3 years ago and recently have been feeling a lot of discomfort. I went to the doctor and she could not find it, im still waiting for an appointment for the hospital. After reading all the reviews on this site I am now convinced that the coil is the source of my back pain and I will certainly be getting rid of the blasted thing !!!!!!!!! :x :x
  • Posted

    I have got very bad joint pains. I have had the marina in for 5 mths now. The pain is progressively getting worse. Today I went to have the marina out and the doctor couldn't find the strings. I now have to have an ultrasound to find out how to get it out and could be a hospital procedure. As I type this message I sit here with so much nagging pain all over my body and it feels like I am coming down with the flu when you achieve to the bones. I feel this every day.

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