I had the marina coil fitted 14 months ago - at that tim...
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I had the marina coil fitted 14 months ago - at that time I was an emotional wreck because I had recently got divorced, moved countries, changed jobs and suffered depression. The reason the marina coil was fitted was because of excessive bleeding - it was more the hormone treatement i needed because my tubes were tied 10 years ago. A couple of days after the fitting I suffered with awful back pain, at the time I did not connect this to the marina because of all the other "stuff" happening in my life. The bleeding prety much stopped, when it is my "pms" time, I still suffer with cramps, but that is far easier to manage than the overflowing bleeding - I have also realised that I get a lot more migraines something I never had previously except for the odd headache. My problem is that because I am overweight when I go to the doctor with my severe back pain which affects my legs, my right hip and left shoulder I am told it is my posture or my bed or my weight. At the time it did not occure to me it may be the marina - however after a year where I sometimes cannot move, cannot sleep my joints feel as if they are sezzing up and the excruiating back back I have aged so much. And it doesnt seem to help seeing the doctor as I feel they are prejudiced and are set that my pain is self inflicted. When I realised it may be the marina (hindsight is a wonderful thing) I did some research on the internet and found many woman suffer with back and joint pain - I went to my doctors in tears as I cannot live on strong painkillers for the rest of my life and told her about my research she was quite arrogant and annoyed and prompty told me that "no one has ever complained to her about back pain - and also that not at any of the seminars she has attended has back pain ever been mentioned, and even though she referred me she made me feel she did not think I was doing the right thing. What infuriuates me is that everyone reacts differently, but it only took me 10 minutes before going to the doctor to do a search on the internet find out there are other women who suffer with back pain why is it that we have these wonderful sites weher we can share our experiences but that this is not review or acknowledged by the medical profession. Oh yes, when I found the courage to have my strings checked they could only find one - so where is the other one - It wouldnt surprise me if that is the object which is messing with my nervous system and causing so much pain.... I WOULD BE REALLY GRATEFUL IF YOU HAVE SUFFERED ANY BACK, JOINT OR MIGRAINE PROBLEMS TO LET ME KNOW? I realise it may only be a small percentage (not sure where the figures are) of women who have an adverse reaction to the mirane but for that small percentage of us - it is a LIVING HELL!!!! I cannotwait to get it out!!!!!!! tx for reading this
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ive had enough and at 40 years old im goin to get it changed to the coil i had before which was the uhd or something like that, i had periods but my god non of the pain!
i was never told any of the side effects when i went for it putting in (which hurt like hell) wish i was a man sometimes lol
Not sure i can put up with this back for another 18 mnths id rather it was took out, but the nxt step is full hystarectomy(sorry 4 the spelling). Im only 39 for gods sake.
Any one got ant suggestions please