I have recently been prescribed Livial as an improvement...
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I have recently been prescribed Livial as an improvement for an HRT product which had been giving me headaches. I am now in my fourth month of use.
I have not found Livial to be very effective in combatting hot flushes or night sweats, only lessening them slightly in severity and frequency.
Over the past few months I have had increasing joint pain and fluid retention (even unable to make a fist first thing in the morning). My ankles and wrists ache and even my toes are stiff. I didn't immediately consider Livial as the culprit but thought I was developing arthritis at an alarming rate at only 57!
I have almost decided to wean myself off Livial as it seems pointless to continue with something that is turning me into an 'old person'. I would be interested if anyone else has experienced this and if there is another solution.
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I am 54 years old and have been on LIVIAL for 3 months. I have recently gone back to my doctor as during the 3 months I have had no real relief. I still get hot flushes and am suffering with joint pain, mood swings and irritability, and like you feel like an 'old lady' when I get up in the morning and/or if I have been sitting down for even a short time.
I am now going to go back on to Kliovance. The reason I went on to Livial in the first place was that I was told by my GP that there was less risk of breast cancer than other forms of HRT but as I have regular pap smears and regular breast screening and there is no family history of breast cancer I am going on to Kliovance for 12 months to see how things go.
It was good to read that someone else feels like I feel - you start to think that it's just you or that you are 'just getting old'. Good luck with your health.
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Your commente re Livial exactly match my experience. Aged 56 next week tried all sorts HRT since 1997 and tried to manage being off HRT without success. Started Livial 23.6.06 and now suffering from severe joint and muscle pain particularly in feet and hands exactly as you described. Dr did not think it was caused by the tablets but I had my suspicions and glad I found this site. Now have to decide whether to come off and try something else - Dr suggested Minerva coil + oestrogene tablets or patches as required. This would be the 10th solution (?) and it is driving me mad. Tried to do it on my own but very difficult when working and seeing clients etc + the lack of sleep - what can we do!!!!!
Jen :?
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Am going on Kliovance so will see how that goes.
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