I itching

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Did anyone ever have vaginal itching that won’t go away. The gynocologist gave me cream for a month and its still itchy. HELP. 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I had and I though i had BV but was vaginal dryeness I went to the pharmacy and got something to take care that And it worked
  • Posted

    Dr Woolfe Vagisan cream which is non hormonal is especially for this and available on or off prescription. Thrush is a repeat offender during the changes so do make sure you dont have that as that will need treatment from the dr. Replens is good for dryness but definitely the Vagisan for itching. Hope this helps. Google your symptoms too as you will get a good idea what you should do. But I think you already know go back to the dr and tell them whats happening. Hugs to you at this time XXX
  • Posted

    This can be due to hormonal changes and bacteria changes in the virgina. Eileen from a vogal has more information on this in her blog so check this out... Ck

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