I Just Want This To End. I Want My Life Back 😢
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Woke up early again this morning with the the usual jitters and nervousness. Started crying, I just want to wake up to my normal self again. Feel so discouraged sometimes. I try to self talk to myself "this is not forever, you will get your life back", This morning it's just hard. I want to live like everyone else. I find myself watching TV and movies and picking out the women I know are my age and saying " look at them living a normal life acting and doing great, why not me" Sorry for the pitty party this morning Ladies. I just want to be normal again.
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debbie03785 debbie_18471
debbie_18471 debbie03785
You have a wonderful name 😊. So sorry for your other symptoms and hyperthyroidism. Yes this time of our life does stink. Some days are better than others for us all. Have a good one and take care. Thanks for responding 😊
jamie50513 debbie_18471
Feel free to have your pity party. I feel like that too. I have been trying not to have a panic attack all morning. It's truly nerve wrecking. I'm trying to ignore the feelings and keep busy. I even bought a mandala adult coloring book to keep from going crazy. I know the symptoms can be discouraging and hard to deal with but you are not alone and we will get through this. I know it's easier said than done but we really will get through it.
debbie_18471 jamie50513
jamie50513 debbie_18471
Sochima822 debbie_18471
debbie_18471 Sochima822
Thanks for the wonderful recommendation of Maca Root. As soon as my husband gets home we are going to local health food store to get all my goodies. St Johns Worts, Maca, and Passion flower. I was better today after I had my struggle this morning. Mornings are always the biggest struggle for me. A little panicked right now because my husband is showing houses and I'm alone. Turned on the hallmark station to watch a movie and stay distracted. You and your husband sound adorable. It's sounds like you guys are really good to one another, I am really blessed with an amazing husband as well. So supportive and always there when I need him. Thanks for always being so encouraging and thoughtful. Have a wonderful night and I will let you know how the herbs work.
julie45644 debbie_18471
3 months later with the help of hrt I am all but back to my old self. OK it cones with some side effects but its getting better each month.
Quality of life for me far outweighed the risks.
Can't believe how my life turned around in just a few days
Not for everyone I know but worth considering
I wish you well. X
debbie_18471 julie45644
Sochima822 julie45644
I'm doing much better now. I remedied it with flax seed drink, flax seed oil and hot flash pills. However, even when taking them, I stil got stuck one day grocery shopping where I couldn't move. My body felt paralyzed. I remember feeling okay but I just couldn't move. I was lucky to have been with my sweetie who was caring and helped me get some fresh air.
How long are you going to be on HRT? My aunt was on them but was taken off after 3 years. She said, her gyne told her that HRT is good for short term, when you're on them too long that's when you run the risk of possible side effects.
Have a nice day. X
julie45644 Sochima822
I believe that I would have taken my own life if the dark moods had continued.
I just wish I had been told that this could happen. I had no idea and with regular periods and no other symptoms I just thought I was going mad.
I wish you well. Let's hope we all come back stronger and happier than before x
misty36246 debbie_18471
sammeam debbie_18471
And TV is exactly that. It isnt real. Look at all the women on here, speaking out, suffering with you. You are no way alone.
Cry lots, sleep lots, look after yourself. Its going to be alright.
nic1976 debbie_18471
You have just described exactly what I do and think!!! It's so hard trying to keep a smile on your face when your mind is in turmoil. This has just happened to me in the last 4 months and I suppose having people to talk to about this helps a lot. After a conversation with my doctor about all my symptoms she quickly put it down to anxiety! I don't believe face flushes, night sweats, hip pain and the awful feelings are all down to that.