I'm a mess, need advice!
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I just don't know how to deal with this anymore. I've been a total mess since last year. So many severe peri symptoms I just can't take it anymore. I only have 5 or 6 good days during ovulation. The rest I'm sick, shaky, sore and can't breathe. I can't take NSAID's because of gastritis. Last night I woke up at 3 AM with a very bad headache, shaky, and feeling hot in my cheeks. I took Tylenol and then had severe nausea for the next 4 hours! I can't seem to even tolerate tylenol anymore and now have anxiety about it hurting my liver. My right shoulder is frozen and left is starting to head that way too, I couldn't even get my nightgown off this moring. All I could do was stand in the shower and cry. I'm seeing the GYN on Mondays, do I ask her to put me on HRT? Are bioidenticals the best? I'm terrified of side effects of orals. I just don't know how much longer I can hang on feeling like total death. I take multivitamins, ferrochel iron, cal-magnesium, synthroid. Have seen every doc and had every test imaginable and almost certain it's hormones causing all the havoc. Trying soy milk in smoothies. Bought Menopace, but unsure of all the soy. Please, please, I need any advice to get through this living hell.
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cindy1957 Guest
Hi Suzanne I'm kind of the same way as you, anxiety big time. I do take something at night to sleep. I have colitis so I have to sort of watch what I eat. I'm going through menopause, hot flashes mainly night time, I use a huge fan. Didn't sleep well last night so anxiety is high today. I too Haye taking meds in fear of side effects, for my meno I'm trying otc stuff, kind of nervous about any side effects too but it's all natural stuff. I also have some pain behind my left breast but they are tender right now anyhow. I also have what they say is BMS burning mouth syndrome, they don't know what causes that even but I read somewhere it could also be a sign of menopause,I hope that's all it is, I'm a huge worry wart.
Guest cindy1957
Hi Cindy,
Yes, my sister had the burning gums, her dentist thought she was crazy.
Why don't doctors ever know these things? Don't any of them ever read anything?
My left breast is awful, huge cysts. The radiologist looked at my mammo and u/s and said "wow, there is definitely something wrong with you, you should see a doctor!". Ha, like which one? I've seen about 20 so far.
I didn't sleep last night either, kept worrying about my liver from the tylenol. I took a blood test today to look at my liver enzymes. The worry is just getting beyond beyond.. I took the tylenol on an empty stomach and it probably aggravated the chronic gastritis I have and that's probably why my stomach was hurting. I'm sure the bloodwork will come back normal like everything else! According to my doctors I'm extremely healthy.
I think doing the bioidenticals would make me feel safer than doing chemical HRT. I'm sure I'll feel every side effect, I should never read what they are and I should never google anything, ever! God, ignorance is definitely bliss.
Hope we both feel better in the near future!
Azzumi Guest
Hi Suzanne. You mentioned bio identicals and I'm 6 weeks into them now. Iv had all the typical Peri symptoms no period for 7 months, hot flushes, water retention, severe exhaustion, nausia, bowel problems, migraines and mood swings. The worst by far has been my moods ranging from severe agitation to feeling incredibly depressed and just sitting and crying for no reason. Bios take at least 6 weeks if not longer to really start to work and they usually need some adjusting. Had bloods this week and looks like I'm post menopause now. Needed small adjustment as I'm extremely estrogen sensitive and mine was through the roof causing the mood swings which I suspected Been feeling much better this week could even say normal and with the adjustment to my bios I should feel better again but I might still have a few symptoms. One thing I've learnt is none if this is an easy fix and we need to find a doctor who truly understand women and they're hormones. My doctor is amazing. If u go down the bio identical path be patient as it could take a few adjustments to get it right. Hormones are extremely powerful things, I think even women underestimate that and they shape who we are. Really hope this helps.
Guest Azzumi
Hi, I posted my labs below to someone else, my estrogen looks like it's high as well. I wouldn've thought everything was very low with the way I've been feeling! And why would I feel better around ovulation when estrogen and progesterone peaks?
My GP said bioidenticals don't work, that it's just all in your mind and that's why you think you feel better. But he's also the guy who said I'm perfectly healthy and nothing is wrong with me, with a smile on his face I might add.
I think they are worth a try if they don't cause the bad side effects of synthetic HRT. And good to know they are helping you.
Thanks for taking the time to write about your experience.
Azzumi Guest
I just had to reply to you. Its almost irresponsible what your doctor said about bios. Women stop producing certain hormones during and after menopause. We need the correct balance of all three hormones to be physically and mentally healthy in our later years. Most women are very intune with their bodies and believe me no placebo will make you feel better where menopause is concerned. We can also be our worst enemies by googling everything to the point where we no longer trust anything to be able to help us or that nothing is safe but at some point we need to move forward and give something a fair go. In my case bio identicals. If all goes well my hormones will just be bought back to a level that suits me. Nothing more to it than that. Its early days and I'm not going to jump the gun and preach that they are a miracle. I'll wait and see how i go over next few months. All I know right now is I can go to work, go to the gym and get through my day without too much trouble and I hope and pray I stay this way.
Cheers Rosemary
Also estrogen is a feel good hormone and we do feel good when it rises but not when its too high and only when our balance between estrogen progesterone and testosterone are correct. So it can look ok but if the balance is wrong then we start to go wrong. I have to believe that's why a lot of women say hrt doesn't work. They're not balanced.
Cheers again Rosemary
Guest Azzumi
Hi Rosemary,
Yes, I agree with you. That same doctor called my naturopath a "quack".
I really hope that my hormones will be able to be balanced and I hope it helps me gets some sort of life back. I think bio creams will be better for me especially because I seem to have a hard time taking pills lately, everything bothers my liver or stomach. I'm seeing GYN tomorrow, but really just to confirm with her that my levels are out of whack and to see what she thinks about that causing very severe sickness. Rheuma on Tuesday, just to get his thoughts about it maybe being autoimmune something or other. But I really want to get to that specialist in Tampa to get the bios. I sent him my labs on Friday and they will decide whether or not to accept me as a patient.
I hope you stay well too!
Guest Azzumi
Yes. I have a friend who was on estrogen pills that her gp prescribed because she was feeling mean all the time. She had a hysterectomy years ago but has her ovaries. So she really isn't in tune with what's going with her cycles and she doesn't see a GYN. She keeps getting severe migraines and I mentioned to her it seems like she might not be balanced if she's just taking estrogen. My mother had a hysterectomy when she was around 40, keeping her ovaries. The doctor immediately put her on an estrogen patch which she used for almost 20 years. She would always suffer from bad migraines and also awful PMS, you'd want to hide from her when she had it. She was probably way too estrogen dominant as well. She finally went off of it when the breast pain got too unbearable. My breasts have awful huge painful cysts as well, probably from my estrogen being too high, But it doesn't make sense that my shoulders are so painful, wouldn't that be from estrogen being to low? When I feel a little better during ovulation, I read that both estrogen and progesterone go up, and that's why my shoulder doesn't ache as bad. So confused..
Azzumi Guest
Sounds like you've got a plan so hopefully you'll start to sort things out now. My boyfriend already knew the doctor I'm seeing so I at least had somewhere to start. My boyfriend also studied female hormones a few years ago so he's actually taught me some things. Even though he understands a lot and knows we sometimes cant control our moods he still doesn't get how it really feels when those dark moods take hold. I'll cross my fingers for you and for me and will be very curious to know how you go with your gyn. Also my bios are a troch so it just disolves under the tongue. I take half ever morning.
jude84900 Guest
Hi Suzanne,
I'm another bio identical user that can say 100% they work and are not a figment of my imagination. My GP, a younger female dr. didn't want to hear anything about HRT either. Truth is, they know very little about bio identicals. Their practice goes by protocol. What they were trained through med school. They go by what they were taught about synthetic HRT, which we know are not good for us. These GP's don't have time to study up on bio identicals but we do. Oh the beauty of the internet. We now know sythetic hormones are bad and contain pregnant horse urnine. ( Premarin ) Good for a horse but not a woman. No wonder women get sick and don't feel well while taking this stuff. They take a hormone that is very close to perfect to the human body and alter it with horse urine so they can create a patent on it. Bad for women but great for profits.
I am with Azzumi, bio identicals are great. Our bodies recongnize them and put them to great use. IF properly managed by a dr. that has studied them and does the proper blood work and testing you can get your life back literally. Typically a GP isn't going to take the time or ever run a hormone test. A alternative or holisitc dr. will do testing and KNOW what your body needs based on your results and adjusting as you go along. Once established its very smooth and easy.
Yes, going on the internet and reading what happens to our bodies as we go into menapause is like a domino effect. You just keep feeling worse. OMG, this is going to happen, that is already happening. You look in the mirror and you can see the changes. For me I didn't want to wait around and continue to see the decline in body and mind. I am on transdermal creams. My outlook is great and I feel great. I won't look back. This is my future of health and happiness. Read and watch videos, you will have more confidence that you don't have to feel anything but back to your self. Good luck!
Guest jude84900
jude84900 Guest
Suzanne, I see you are still in peri menapause. My peri lasted about 10 years. With night sweats, headaches before periods and although my periods were on time every month they became very heavy the last year. Sometimes alarmingly heavy. Finally quit at age 55. I was so glad. Something I waited for many years. No More Periods! BUT as my periods were winding down I started seeing the decline in many things. Mainly my skin, hair and nails. Then within just a few short months other things started showing up. Yes that quickly. My lubrication started to go and it became a little uncomfortable for intimacy. I don't want to scare you but peri is just the beginning of the process. Your body is still making your estrogens, testosterone, progesterone, albeit not as much. But after your periods are done, hormones are pretty well bottomed out and not coming back like what use to be. This is when things started changing very quickly for me. I could see it when I looked at myself in the mirror. I could feel it on extra weight even though I excercised. My mood was low, my hair was thinning and I knew what was happening. I read a lot about bio identicals. Watched many videos. I too took supplements hoping this one would help my hair, my skin etc. Maybe cocunut oil, maybe vitamin c, d,etc etc. Truth is what is happening to our bodies is a defieciency of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. These hormones can only come back to the way they were when we felt "good" when we replenish them. I only wish I knew then what I know now because I suffered 10 yrs with night sweats and headaches not knowing what was really going on. Now a qualified dr. will ck for levels and start bringing them up so you don't have to live with these symptoms. I already told my two daughters to go get their hormones levels checked now. That way a dr. has a base line as to when they felt their best. When their hormones are plentiful. So when they hit that peri menapause time they can bring their baseline in and go from there. Sorry this is so long, I could go on and on. It is worth the right fix. Bio Identicals only, not synthetics. You will need to get all your blood work done and start on what is needed. I believe you will feel a whole lot better but you need the right dr that knows what their doing. Its not a one size fits all so don't just let a dr. put you on stuff without checking your hormone levels if you decide to go this route. A dr. that has studied this stuff wouldn't put you on anything until he sees bloodwork results first. Then orders what you need. Thats a good place to start knowing you have the right dr.
lisa99975 Guest
Wow you sound like what I am experiencing. All sorts of issues and all tests being negative. My OB did say my labs show pre menopause. So I have been wondering if my hormones are throwing my body all out of whack. I've had sever facial flushing. Rashes. Itching. Pain. Anxiety like crazy which I've never had. Hot and cold tingling. Nausea I can go on and on. Oh and palpitations and high blood pressure. Anyhow I also don't want any new meds either I worry about everything all time!
Guest lisa99975
Hi Lisa, gosh the other night I was so itchy all night, couldn't sleep. I get hot feelings up my back and neck and head, and cheeks and chest, but I never sweat, so not sure if those are flashes or not. The palpitations I had are better now that my iron is higher, but still get that shakiness feeling every now and again. The worse part for me right now are the flu feeling and really painful shoulder. My left one is starting to act up too, man, I'll be left with not being able to use both arms? I also have huge cysts in my breasts. Cysts on my ovaries too. Just all around mess. I still can't help worrying that I've got something dreadful.
wendy12420 Guest
Hi I think Suzanne is right finding a doctor that truly understands is the key, my own GP didn't have a clue & just wanted to put me on antidepressants I went to see my consultant who is great and I'm still in the process of adjusting my hrt to get it to suit me but it's been a miracle to me before I wouldn't have cared if I woke up now I almost feel normal, so have faith that you will get the help you need and will eventually feel good again
Take care
Guest wendy12420
Did you have severe symptoms Wendy? I just can't believe I can feel this awful for this many months already. I know what you mean about not caring about waking up, I'm starting to feel like that.
What kind of hrt are you on? What kind of symptoms were you experiencing?
wendy12420 Guest
Sorry for the late reply yes my symptoms were severe I never want to feel that bad again the sweats were constant I never had a nights sleep for months and the anxiety and depression left me unable to barely function.I started on kliovance which worked great but after a few month symptoms returned so was upped to the higher dose Kliofem.I have now had the Mirena coil fitted and wear Estrogen patches as my consultant said this is
the safest way for me to take combined HRT, only been using it this way for
about 10 days but so far seems fine.
Have you started on HRT yet ? For me I don't feel I had a choice as I had tried all herbal products for several months and nothing worked
I don't worry too much about the risks of HRT as I know I had no quality of life before I started taking it.
take care x