I’m FAT !!
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i am so fat and feel so uncomfortable as my stomach is so big ! i was only 110lbs and must be like 135 now .
ive been on the patch since august estrogen i wonder why its taken so long to show the weight ?
im assuming its the patch as ive had mono and no appetite whatsoever.
i feel so bloated like ive eaten 10 hamburgers
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Guest lori93950
Me too! 119 to 150!! I'm stuffed sausage in my fat clothes.
I think it takes a solid 3 months to see loss or gain. For me, I think the progesterone helped me gain, but also the crap I'm putting in my mouth.
lori93950 Guest
omg you too ! im not buying a whole new wardrobe ! im barely eating it must be water retention
Gypsy014 lori93950
Hi Lori didn't you run everyday but then had to stop abruptly because your mono ebv reactivated ? If so that's it lack of exercise! I know for me I'm 5'7 and 135 now, but was dropping to like 120 way too skinny for me, I wasn't hungry sick nauseated all the time, and I just had to push the foods just to get a few pounds back on me.. The weight and meno pause is difficult can fluctuate in both directions, depending on what you eat or lack of eating and exercises you do, maybe juice some veggies and fruits, and do some toga and walking if you can't run anymore.. Hope you feel better soon..
Yoga not toga
lori93950 Gypsy014
its a weird weight very bloated and hurts but yes even if i dont run i always was skinny .... it has to be the patch ? i guess it took 5 months for it to regulate and im so uncomfortable.
i do ear really healthy and most people actually lose weight with mono
Gypsy014 lori93950
It must be the patch then, and ive read also where thr stomach can really inflate with menopause.. One of the lovely symptoms.. Do you do sit ups? Also lots and lots of bloating can occur..
lori93950 Gypsy014
yes i look like a barrel !! or pregnant !
sue28162 lori93950
I was a size 4 3 yrs ago now a size 12 ..
All this weight makes my freaking hot flashes worse . Nothing fits including underware because I refuse to buy granny undies at 46 yrs old. Even My face is fat ...So peri menapause has taken my site my hearing drinking wine and now my body.. I GIVE UP
laura21869 sue28162
Absolutely, I've gone from a 4-6 to size 10-12 in three years also. And it's a scientific fact that extra weight causes more hot flashes, which I have constantly. Yes, my underwear drawer is full of tiny little panties that I can't imagine I ever fit into...and I hate buying huge underwear...My face is more than fat...hard to to feel "sexy" when you have all this going on...
lori93950 sue28162
are you on the patch ? and yes my underwear is tight too ! and mo not stopping the wine
laura21869 lori93950
No, I'm not on the patch - I have an appt soon to start HRT..just chiming in on the fat thing! 😃
lydia2311 lori93950
hi Lori
are you taking progesterone as well or just the oestrogen patch?
lori93950 lydia2311
50 mgs of progesterone
laura21869 lori93950
Yes, I hear ya...I refuse to buy a whole new "fat" wardrobe, and can't afford to even if I was willing...the end result is I wear leggings when not at work and have one pair of dress pants that I wash over and over again and wear to work.
I won't let anyone take a photo of me - it's worse when a friend takes one of you and posts it to Facebook...ugh, how embarrassing...
I know, I bloat tremendously, and feel like a whale. I'm trying to address it with clean eating and making the effort to walk daily. Small steps...Yes, I find that I can eat next to nothing too and still gain weight....
lori93950 laura21869
i just bought all sweatpants and hoodies thats my new attire and i have 4 closets filled with designer stuff! that i cant wear !