I'm having a low mood day, can't seem to shake it!

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Hi Ladies,

I hope this post finds you all well? I haven't posted for a awhile as I have felt not too bad with Peri but over the last month or so my period ( actually spotting) was happening every 5 days, spot for a few days then stop for 5 and so on.... Today I woke up just as low as one feels going through Peri, I don't want to do anything and once again I put on the fake "I'm ok smile" and push on.., my hubby doesn't really get it, tries to make light of it to make me smile, but I really can't see the funny side! My hubby wants to be intimate but the thought of it just makes me cringe.

I know that I will get over this low mood but at the moment I just feel as though I'm in a rut and just want to be left alone.

Take care ladies


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello. I am new here.

    I am low today too. Crying BIG TIME! So sad and having anxiety.

    I had acupuncture today and it stirs up my emotions but I usually feel better the next day.

    I have been having the blues too.

    I feel your pain. I hope you feel better soon.

    Take care.

    • Posted

      Hi Struggling,

      Welcome to the site and thank you for your reply. I hope this post finds you going ok, it can be a little daunting at first with Peri but at this site we're all in this roller coaster ride together. If you need to talk about anything, feel free to PM me anytime.

      Take care,


  • Posted

    Hi Anna, How you feeling today ? Yes these hormones play havoc with how we ladies feel! Some of the lucky one's sail through.  I am Now menopausal i had symptoms like you going through menopause @ the time i use to think i always seem to have something going on ugh! Then i started the hot sweats absolutely dripping whilst out. I went to see my GP who gave me HRT which stopped the sweats. When my periods stopped altogether my symptoms were anxiety no energy, not wanting to do anything just like you wanted to be on my own! I now take a different HRT which have improved how i feel. I still get odd days, no anxiety or the feeling of wanting to be on my own though & in a rut. 

    • Posted

      Hi Mars,

      How are you, good I hope? I'm not too bad at the moment, just getting my head around the whole Peri spotting period/heavy spotting/ then no period, think it's over and then start again/ is it really a period sort of kind of time the last few weeks, but now I'm just taking one day at a time.

      Thanks for your reply, take care

      Anna 🙂

  • Posted

    Hi I'm feeling the same way today although yesterday I had a good day. Just want my old self back, I'm just so sad and anxious and confused.

    • Posted

      Hi Kathryn,

      Thanks for your reply. I hear you and I feel the same way, I just want my old self back, I am sick of feeling sick, know what I mean?

  • Posted

    Yes...  just BLAH here...  I used to be able to do things and just do stuff NOW it's like I'm lazy??  Don't think I'm lazy just not motivated.    Be kind to yourself!!  It's Ok to be left alone..  Actually I think I recharge my batteries when I'm alone for a day or two..

    • Posted

      Hi Kelly,

      Thanks for your reply. I wish I could be left alone, my hubby is semi retired and we pretty much spend all our time together, which is great most of the time but there are days that I just want to scream LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!! He said he's going to look for a part time job soon, it can't come quick enough for me!!!!

    • Posted

      Hi Anna, quiet alone time for me has been super important through Peri and as much as I love my partner sometimes I just don't want to be around him. He loves Watching sports and I love to read to I decided when there's sports on tele its a perfect time for some uninterrupted reading. I say you've got sports to watch so I'll just go read for a bit. I'll close the door so I can't hear the tele..ok luv. So at regular intervals he opens the door slowly and says, how's it going? Then next time, is the book good?, then he'll sit on the bed and say, I just came to visit for a sec..holy cow all I wanted was some nice uninterrupted time to lose myself in a good book but id never say that so I just grin and give an appropriate response. 😃

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