I’m losing words - am I losing my mind?
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Recently I literally can’t find the word for something when I need it. Obvious day to day objects, people’s names, places.
I’ve come across brain fog and memory gaps in some symptoms, but I feel really clear headed when it happens.
Is this normal?
3 likes, 24 replies
kelly55079 marion69743
Yes and I think this is why I feel comfortable at home because I have trouble spitting my words out. And it's much worse when I don't sleep well the night before.. : (
laura26665 marion69743
I'm wondering the same thing. I have been experiencing the same thing. So frustrating!
Guest marion69743
Hi Marion, happens all the time to me! I live in a small town and have seen neighbors in the grocery store...totally forget their names...I have to think of their last name, then I piece it together. 😁
liz85864 marion69743
Im a PA and if I don’t do something immediately I forget.
I leave things all over the house and can’t find it for love nor money.
If if I didn’t have ‘find my iPhone/ipad’ I wouldn’t have a clue where they were. Even if they are right next to me. I just wish I could have that function for my hair brushes, coffee, glass of wine or pretty much anything else.
My my being nice radar also seems to have gone. If someone smells I tell them. If a child is screaming it’s head off I tell it to be quiet. If someone is driving like a knob. I tell them. I think it’s only time before someone punches me. I’m just hoping not!
So so to answer your question, yes! Unfortunately it is very! Very normal! Embrace it. Grow older in a mad way!!
DaisyDaze liz85864
It's really scary when you cannot think of the word or someone's name. Sometimes, if a name is brought up, I cannot picture the person even though I know I know him or her. I wish there was a wayto improve on ths.
LouiseScotland marion69743
Oh yes, very familiar! Lots of 'thingies' in our house...such a good word when you can't remember the correct name! Also, lots of whatshisnames and whatshernames! It's not as if I forget all this stuff for any length of time, but it's frustrating when it does happen. I also find an issue when I'm driving - I'm totally aware yet end up going the wrong way! My daughter asked me to go by a particular route recently but within a couple of minutes I went the other way. Why? I just momentarily forgot
and I was thinking of other things. I'm definitely post menopausal now so goodness knows how long this lasts!
AJacynM LouiseScotland
Your life sounds so similar to mine!! My children wanted to go somewhere the other day, I agreed but suddenly realised my mind had wandered (as it so frequently does) and I ended up going totally the wrong way and heading for another location that wasn't the correct one! Why? I have no idea but my mind was totally off route! 😖
Hey-ho... 💕
liz85864 marion69743
Im just hoping it gets better in the long run. Although I’m not counting on it!!
We we really should have a ‘mad menopausal group’!!
Good of luck one and all! Xx
LouiseScotland liz85864
I love the idea of a 'mad menopausal group'!
AJacynM marion69743
Oh this is so me too! I feel for you as sometimes I literally cannot find the word i want in my head... simple words just evade me! I'm worrying to death I've got Alzheimer's or something...
it's the same kind of feeling when I walk upstairs and get to the top step thinking 'Seriously? What the heck did I come up for?' and I stand there for ages and possibly even go back down before it comes to me. I'm always asking my husband for the word I mean and he usually tells me straight away - so - it's not just you. Hang in there, we obviously all go a bit mad for a while... just as long as it gets better we'll be ok but my worry is - what if it doesn't?! 😪
AJ. xx
LouiseScotland AJacynM
I'm 55, had a pretty easy menopause apart from a bit of spotting (which ended up being nothing), and it's now almost 3 years since my last period. Has the forgetfulness eased off at all? Actually...no. Not yet anyway. It hasn't got any worse though, so I guess I just need to put up with it. A large A4 lined notebook with tear-out pages has become my best friend, it's used every single day to jot down everything (phone calls, details, phone numbers, arrangements, schedules, shopping lists,appointments, notes, to-do lists) and I go through it now and again to get rid of the stuff I no longer need. If I need details of something I know I will find it somewhere in my notebook.
LouiseScotland AJacynM
AJacynM LouiseScotland
Hey there,
Yes I seem to be more worrisome & anxious too, I always have heartburn and I think that's a kind of anxiety related thing for me.
I may try the notebook method to help me but, knowing my track evie's, I'll forget where I've put it!!! 😖😂
Hope you have a good day.
AJ. xx
Ps... I've no idea who Evie is - it's meant to read 'record' but my phone hates me!!! 🙄😖😂
LouiseScotland AJacynM
That's why I have a big notebook! I can usually see it lying around
See your GP about heartburn, I used to have it and it was diagnosed as reflux...I take one 10mg capsule of Omeprazole every day and no more issues. You can buy Omeprazole over the counter if you want to try it, but best seeing GP x