I'm post menapausal and don't have anyone to take to about how I feel

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I haven't had a period for 18 months now, which is great, but just after the new year I felt absolutely wonderful, nothing could stop me, people could say what they liked and i took it with a pinch of salt, but for the last 2 months I can't cope with anyone saying anything to me, I feel like they are getting at me and make feel like an idiot, my poor husband can't say much to me because he will get it in the neck from me, I even feel like life isn't worth living, as i'm typing this i'm trying not to cry. does anyone else feel like this?


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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh Julie, don't feel so bad! You've got everyone on this discussion group to listen and offer advice. Chin up babe. Hope you feel a bit better soon x

  • Posted

    Cry if it helps Julie, never suppress emotions they're there to help you

    Your experiencing hormonal imbalance and I'm sure you've had many symptoms which have came and went, it's horrible but knowing what's causing it sometimes helps a bit

    Try and read a funny book or watch some comedy on tv just anything to stop you from focussing on symptoms

    Big hug for you x

  • Posted

    sounds like your hormones are stiring again rolleyes  and yes i think we all feel like that on here.. some of us just sit around and cry while others have a constant anger and foul mood.. And as fo rlifes not worth licing.. Yep feel like that a few times a week  when the doom and gloom hits.. but i find it does pass usually within hours but sometimes days. Menoapause is without doubt a rolloercoaster ride that we all would like to get off yesterday. Its rapidly turning into the fight of my life, and considering ive lived with cjroic ilness for almost 30 years that saying something! So trust me you are not on your own .. just climb aboard the crazy train with the rest of us smile xxx
  • Posted

    As i'm reading this it's like i've writtwn it. My poor husband never knows what mood i'm going to be in & i could cry at the drop of a hat. I took things with a pinch of salt & now people only have to say the wrong thing & i could cry for england. My mum didn't go through the menopause so i have bo one to talk to about it, i feel alone

  • Posted

    Omg...yes! I felt on top of the world for quite a while. I'd have the occasional dizzy head but for the most part I felt better than I had in years. Well, about April of this year, I feel I've hit a brick wall! Anxiety, a general sense of melancholy, dizziness more often...like today 😔, bowel issues, irritability, weird physical symptoms. I am trying so hard to take good care of myself, but it's tough! I thought I was past the worst of it. You're not alone.

  • Posted

    Absolutely yes!!! The feeling of not being able to cope at all is overwhelming. I'v been feeling better lately due to bio identical hormone replacement but had a horrific time through Peri menopause with mood problems especially depression. I'v had a little hick up last few days and been crying a lot and not coping again. When this happens after feeling good for a while its incredibly hard to take. I know its my hormones out of wack again so i'v tried to just go with it and waiting for it to pass. Our partners do suffer with us and even though mine is good he still finds it hard to deal with me crying and I definitely react differently to things I would usually just laugh off. If it wasn't for this forum and ladies like yourself being brutally honest about what they are going through I truly don't know where I'd be.


  • Posted

    Hi ladies

    Julie, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I just recently had my annual physical and at the end of it I started bawling....my Dr was in shock. She said "you were so calm and it seemed like everything was going great..."

    It's not. I cry every other day. Around 3:00 every afternoon it's like an overwhelming sadness engulfs me. I hate noise, I hate people talking and laughing around me. My co-workers probably think I'm a Grinch.

    I never wanted to be this woman.

    I'm forever apologizing to my husband for being bitchy all the time.

    My whole body hurts, I can't sleep, I'm dizzy, it hurts to have sex,.

    I get up in the Morning and go for a short walk now to clear my head. I read in my spare time. I'll go to our spare bedroom and cry when I feel like it. I take really long hot baths in candle light. I take time for me. It helps a little.

    My Dr wants me to start taking Sertraline? I guess it's like zanax....I am hesitant about taking any drugs...not sure if I will.

    Julie, we are all here to listen. Hang in there love. Make sure you talk. Don't be ashamed of what youre going through. There's millions of us just like you?

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