I'm really about to commit myself
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I'm really going insane and cry all day for the past week its getting unbearable I can't do this no more sometimes I wonder what is really going on inside me that's causing all this havoc. hormones or not it shouldn't be this hard since my cycle ended its been bad lightheaded more then usual I can't go outside makes everything worse how is this living? the other night me and hubby was into a major argument over all this going on 9 years is enough being tormented my marriage may not survive this and that's flat out wrong and cruel. you have been together since high school 26 years. I can't blame him if he would leave his wife has checked out I'm not me no more she is gone. I'm constantly depressed and praying yo feel normal my body is def going through he'll and my mind has checked out years ago. its getting harder and harder this lightheaded dizzy has to stop heat makes it worse can anyone relate to this happening to them? I'm constantly checking bp over this I was doing so good not obsessively checking. I'm in a hole and drowning in these symptoms I'm a grandma and can't enjoy my babies being outside playing those has robbed me of everything. sorry needed yo vent
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donna0027 pamela2016
I am one phone call away too, trust me. The muscle spasms, muscle twitching and muscle pain! I really hope its all hormone related. As of this Feb 17th I am no longer the person I was. I am so scared.
JReady64 pamela2016
I've started BHRT... it seems to be helping some but it's only been 6 weeks and the doc says it will only get better. I'm so hoping she is right. You should give it a try.
christine-Perim pamela2016
hang in there. progesterone helped me. not 100% but i feel a difference.
keep a journal and track your cycle, ovulation, insomnia, migraines, dissiness etc......
i helps to goback and see the pattern. it helps me realize i am not crazy and not 'dying'
start a nee hobby, get out and walk everyday!! EVERDAY! journal things that help.
the marriage is hard, but you have to act as if you are ok. make him dinner ,plan special things . my quiet mantra is BE NICE, i say it in my head all the time. i used to explode at every litttle thing.
this forum helps. look into herbal option to help. be diligent . look stuff up almost every day.
kelly55079 christine-Perim
oh wow that's a great mantra 'be nice' to him... It's so hard at times oh my goodness.. especially when you know he's 110% wrong and to look the other way...
christine-Perim pamela2016
hang in there. progesterone helped me. not 100% but i feel a difference.
keep a journal and track your cycle, ovulation, insomnia, migraines, dissiness etc......
i helps to goback and see the pattern. it helps me realize i am not crazy and not 'dying'
start a nee hobby, get out and walk everyday!! EVERDAY! journal things that help.
the marriage is hard, but you have to act as if you are ok. make him dinner ,plan special things . my quiet mantra is BE NICE, i say it in my head all the time. i used to explode at every litttle thing.
this forum helps. look into herbal option to help. be diligent . look stuff up almost every day.
kelly55079 pamela2016
Yes I agree you need to do something for yourself!!! Make an appointment with therapist (older woman) or even go to the clinic to be checked out. Long story BUT about 6 years ago I was going thru 'something'. Crying, not eating. spouse was not caring-- just couldn't shake myself out of it I didn't know where to go so I drove myself to the Psych clinic crying--- someone talked with me right away which was calming. I then signed up for out-patient therapy which was all day for weeks. I felt refreshed and I stopped going when I snapped out of it. It's very important to take care of you!!!
Sassyr12a pamela2016
Hi Pamela
I'm so sorry that you feel that way, but completely understand where you're coming from. My advice would be to look at options for hrt or bhrt if you haven't already done so. First things first, focus on feeling better and then look at any issues at home. It's so completely overwhelming, frightening and draining to feel that way all day when there could be a solution available. Take care of yourself, wishing you well xx
hopeforever pamela2016
Pamela i know exactly how you feel. You are not alone. The torment of it all can leave you insane and i totally know what your going through. For the past 2 weeks for me have been complete hell even after my period. I thought things would lighten up after it was done but things became worse. For the past 2 days things have lightened up with the help of gravol. It helped with my dizziness, vomiting and nausea and thank God was able to take a short walk today and enjoy the sound of traffic and the birds. I know it sounds crazy but i was home bound for almost 3 weeks. I too cannot believe this hell that i am living. I too feel robbed that is why i am going on Bioidentical hormones in 2 weeks. I am up for anything at this point. Just as long as i get my quality of life back. Hope you feel well soon. Hugs to you and hang in there.
thanks ladies for replying its just been very hard since my cycle ended idk but i hope im getting closer to the end as my cycles is coming later past two months. hopeforever what is gravol?
JReady64 pamela2016
I'm 10 years post menopause and just started feeling all this 1 year ago.. it's not specific to peri..
hopeforever pamela2016
It is liquid capsules that prevents and treats nausea, vomiting and dizziness. I do not know where you live but here in Canada you could pick it up at any Walmart or drugstore. You do not need a prescription. It saved me. I was a complete mess and that's a understatement. Just make sure you get non drowsy if you do not want to sleep forever. I bought non drowsy for day and the other for night. Hope you could find it where you live because it is a lifesaver. Hope this helps
hopeforever JReady64
10 yrs post meno ! Don't tell me that. Omg. What age did you begin ? I never knew post meno can last that long. Please God just the very thought that women can be plaqued by this anywhere from 10 to 20 yrs scares the living daylights out of me. God please send us women some relief. FAST
pamela2016 hopeforever
thank you for sharing ill be going to Walmart looking for this tomorrow again thank you
JReady64 hopeforever
yes.. i'm sorry..i didn't mean to scare you.. every woman is different so you can't base anything on someone else's situation. i had a hysterectomy at 43.. I'm now 54.. I've been told that minute pause started in my 30s.. I believe he said late 30s but still..
But I never felt a thing until March 20th of 2018... That was the day of the 1st dizzy spell... And then all the little other things started piling on.. Started the bioidentical hormones 6 weeks ago on March 21, 2019... so I will keep you updated on if and how much it helps..
menopause..stupid phone
hopeforever JReady64
I start in 2 weeks. How are you feeling ? Have you noticed some change for the better ?
JReady64 hopeforever
Well.. a tidge better. The first things I did notice were I was sleeping a bit better and going to the bathroom better... but the thing with the BHRT is it does eventually start wearing off and you have to get another injection. A boost in my case since I'm only 6 weeks out and they are trying to determine the proper dose for me.
Anyway.. the symptoms I'm really hoping it starts to help soon are the dizziness and internal vibration and shakiness things.
On a positive note though.. my Uber driver to an appointment a few weeks back to that exact OBGYN just happened to be a woman that is also on BHRT. Funny.. we started talking and she said after the first dose she didn't really feel much of a difference, but by the 2nd she felt quite a bit better, and then by the 3rd.. she was like a completely different person !... So I'm hopeful based on that. I know every person is different, but I really want this to help. It's so incredibly expensive so it I don't feel what I want to feel by the end of the 3rd dose period, I may stop. It's $350 per injection which will be every 3 months, maybe 4 (not covered by insurance), plus the office visit, plus a supplement called DIM that is supposed to keep the estrogen and testosterone separate so they can do each of their individual jobs better... or something like that. The supplement is $40 and for my dose, lasts 2 months...
So with all that said.. I am hopeful right now.. I mean.. just sleeping better can help so many things...