I’m Really Struggling Girlies
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I don’t know a lot about Anxiety but I think I am experiencing it. I started peri in 2012 and been in menopause since 2015 and if you’ve read some of my previous posts over the years I’ve suffered with most of the 66 symptoms and more like most of you girlies. At this stage I’m experiencing all over tingling in my body like nervousness, off balance like I could fall forward then I go freezing cold and my stomach bloats, also my head can feel like it’s go a tight band round it, and nausea this mostly happens when at work or out somewhere but yet when I get home things calm and I feel much better although exhausted from feeling ill all day. Do you think this is anxiety ? I’ve started listening to meditation every evening but it’s not helped me sleep. I’m so exhausted and weak and feel I walk sideways. I can’t take HRT and I’ve had what feels like hundreds of test. My GP has no idea what do do with women and getting an appointment is a nightmare. I’m just feeling so sad for myself and you girlies and we should be having a bit of a life at this age but sadly not.
Would you you mind describing your anxiety and your opinion on my symptoms would help me.
sending you all a comforting hug x
3 likes, 40 replies
michelle92591 anxiousface
My anxiety is usually worse in the morning. For me it's a nervousness i can't control. Feels like a lump in my throat and I find it hard to breath. I am still peri, but since turning 50 I have started to miss periods. Along with that came night sweats ,anxiety to a new level, nausea and brainfog. I try to walk everyday. I take medication for ms, so I really don't want to take any more medication. I think anxiety and depression is the worst in dealing with these fluctuating hormones. This is what I am dealing with. Sorry I really have no solutions. Your not alone.
anxiousface michelle92591
Thank you for your speedy reply Michelle and sorry your having a bad time too it’s really no fun is it. I’m also worse in a morning and I would love to walk but feel off balance so can’t at the moment.
Yes I can relate to the brain fog, I thought i was good at multitasking and remembering stuff but that’s gone I’m hopeless now.
i feel I’m living in a world of pretending I’m ok because no one would really understand, my sister who’s four years older than me has breezed through the menopause with not a single symptom so she’s stopped asking me how I am as I’ve been ill for so long and I’m sick of professionals saying it’s a natural transition when in fact it makes you feel really ill for a very long time 😢.
Keep smiling Michelle x
Guest anxiousface
Hi anxiousface, we’ve chatted before ( head pressure). You have described exactly what my anxiety is. I am 41, really bad symptoms since 2017. Stopped working, couldn’t drive. Sent me into depression as I would lay around too tired to move, but not sleepy. The head pressure and dizziness is horrible. I broke down and started an AD 3 mo ago. I ended up having an episode at my doctors office after the nurse took my vitals at check in...I felt like the walls were closing in, my throat dried up, nausea, sweating, weak, faint, dizzy, horrible ...I wanted to climb out the window. My dr observed all this and told me hormone fluctuations or not, he wanted me to consider the AD. Thank god my husband was there. I started Lexapro the next morning.
I am on month 3. Not perfect, but able to function better. My mood is more even. I do not sit and cry for no reason anymore. I do not feel “dead” tired. The head pressure is better...I would get that a lot going in stores, dream like walking on a boat, wanting to fall over...then the dizzies. I drove a couple times this week...out of my comfort zone too. Of course, I feel like hell now as I think my period is coming. I think if you read up on anxiety you will see a lot of similarities. I was so bad too, that smells, sounds and noises were embellished...hence my problem in stores. You may benefit from trying an AD...You have suffered for soooo long. You are awesome too for working still. I have to go back to a new gyno next month and get on some BCP or something in conjunction with the AD...I’ve got a long way to go. 😉
anxiousface Guest
We are very much alike, I did go on AD’s for a very short time but they made me feel worse so I have to go through this unaided only for this forum which helps calm me a lot your all superstars.
i can’t belive you mentioning the smell and noises they are just so intense and I’m the same in shops, I think it’s the lighting that effects us. I stick to small shops Now and don’t ever get to browse like I used to enjoy as have to get out, it’s just not a joy anymore.
I work full time but as I say to myself every week I don’t know how long I can carry on. I don’t want to give up my job because I like it and I feel I’ll become a hermit at home all day and what if all of a sudden I feel better .
i want to cry too Lou x
Guest anxiousface
Clare1971 anxiousface
HI my anxiety cam just start from no where and a detached feeling comes with it .every time it comes on a feel I want to rush home as that’s where i feel safe . My legs can go jelly and my stomach churns . I have to actually talk to myself to calm myself down . It’s awful that doctor nowadays have no answers for us menopausal women , in fact it’s really scary and sad no one can help or give I so answers sometimes I feel so alone with this time of life .keep posting and that can help 💕
anxiousface Clare1971
yes we do feel alone when we have no friends or relatives that are or going through this horrendous journey but we have each other on this site. I came home from work today really sad, sent my post and now I’m feeling much better speaking to you.
thank you all x ❤️
Guest Clare1971
Hi Clare, Me too...I’ve described it to people like I’m not in sync...my legs, brain, eyes don’t always line up! I swear it’s like a neurological or cognitive issue, but 2 clean MRIs say otherwise 😊
Guest anxiousface
you’re welcome! Anytime 🤗
Clare1971 Guest
Yes that’s another symptom my eye sight mostly when driving has really deteriorated, got glasses now , just waiting on my teeth playing oh no I have symptom too , 💕
lisa68384 anxiousface
Oh ladies, so sorry we have to go through this. The off balance feeling is so horrible isn't it! Do any of you feel like you're being pulled a certain direction..especially when bending,moving etc? Makes shopping and social gatherings a nightmare. I have had it for 18 months now. My anxiety tends to be worse in the morning but can flare up in the evening from time to time. And before my period I have some bizarre experiences while trying to sleep. Like twilight zone type insomnia with hot flashes, anxiety and all the other fun stuff. I wake up in the morning and as soon as I open my eyes or a few minutes later I just feel disturbed, rapid heart beat, breathing, off balance. Sometimes my mouth gets dry. I feel gittery. Muscle pain, etc...oh the fun. After a year, I'm sitting here getting my hair done....trying to not freak out and act normal while ignoring the symptoms. Fun times ladies. Hang in there ?
anxiousface lisa68384
funny you should r having your hair done, I go next week for a colour and cut which takes about three hours and I’m on edge the whole time and just want it all to end ASAP , so sad as this is something we should enjoy and relax.
Yes fun times NOT x
Guest lisa68384
Hi Lisa, I get that pulling feeling...mostly if I’m vacuuming or any type motion like that. Like my head is too heavy for my body, then I get brief nausea. I have opened doors and knocked my glasses off my face. Mornings are tough too...tingly fingertips thumping heart. I haven’t had my hair done in months. The last time I went, I was having my hair colored as I’ve done hundreds of times...except that time it felt like a thousand fire ants on my head...tingling scalp, the smell bothered me. I didn’t realize at the time this was all hormones creating anxiety. Doctors are so clueless. My problems started almost immediately after stopping long term BCP use. So glad we can all understand each other...if you describe these feelings to others, they would have us admitted to the basket making factory! 😀
Sassyr12a anxiousface
Hello anxiousface
My anxiety is like a big ball of lots of things. It covers: feeling physically ill, aches and pains, complete panic for no reason, scared to go out, scared to stay in, anxious being with people, afraid of being alone, nausea, headache, stuck in a loop of worry, dry mouth, twitchiness, feeling physically off balance, can't sleep, complete fatigue. I'm so trained in this now, that my brain just immediately tells me I'm in danger... No opportunity to interject a bit of logic!! What has helped me is: yoga, mindful meditation, exercise like running, walking and cycling, bhrt, daytime kalms, nighttime kalms, acupressure and now hypnotherapy. Its an ongoing process to unpick how I process feelings, fears and emotions but I think I'm winning some days
hope this helps, what you describe really does sound like anxiety and I'm sending you lots of hugs xxx
anxiousface Sassyr12a
so so sorry your having such a bad time I know how your feeling and it’s good for me to know I’m not slowing dying.
Sending you you a comforting hug and thank you xx
Sassyr12a anxiousface
You're welcome ?
Try the mindfulness, it's really quite good. I use Headspace. The night kalms are good too, I sleep really well now. I think it's just about finding what works for you. My rule if thumb is, if it hasn't killed me yet - chances are it's not serious xx
jamie53221 Sassyr12a
LOVE Headspace! And Andy Puddicome’s voice😀
Sassyr12a jamie53221