I'm too young for this :(

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Here I am period started a week early , explains the heavy head and pimples yesterday/today which I winged about.

Part of me is relieved , in that it's more solidifying that's what's going on with me, just like mum it's started already. 

Sad part is though, DOES THIS MEAN I MAY NEVER GET PREGNANT AGAIN? I'm only 39..

i mean I know my husband is perfectly fine with that but for me it devastates me.

I wonder if in peri I could try the FSH test again while on my period and see if it's raised to confirm this? As you know I have no dr to consult so you guys are my advisors here.

Im trying to get in with a naturopathic physician here but the costs are exorbitant and huge waiting lists for funding.

I think il get back onto the chaste berry and stick with it this time and try get my cycle stable again.

Gawd I need soo much to have my husbands support through this but he just doesn't understAnd and won't fund me getting hormone tears because the Drs don't believe me sad

So sorry once again. Il get my $&&&t together and try demand more labs for what it's worth. 


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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Aww Ellacraig,

    I feel for you and I understand. I will be 39 this year and I couldn't believe this is what's going on with me. It really sucks. You definitely do not have to apologize for how you feel. This forum is for us to vent, ask questions, and the get the support we need. My GP is not empathetic at all, he just prescribes a pill for everything so I am in the process of finding a new GP. Keep your head up and things will look better. Just know that you are not alone and this woman transition will go away.

  • Posted

    Oh I am sooo sorry ellacraig. You don't need to be sorry for venting on this forum, we are all here for you. I think as long as you are still having your period you can still become pregnant. 😊❤️ You are not alone in your struggle we are here to support and encourage in anyway we can. My heart and prayers go out to you. I hope you will be able to get the tests, blood work or appointment with homeopathic doctor.


  • Posted

    Hi Ella,

    If you are thinking of having a baby or would be wise to try.

    When my periods had stopped a few months I tried dong quai. This did nothing for my symptoms but started my periods up regularly again.

    After 4 months on it I gave up and they stopped again.

    As it is supposed to be good for fertility I gave the remainder (about 2 months worth) to my daughter to try as they had been trying several years with ovulation charts etc for a baby she became pregnant with twins!

  • Posted

    Hi Ella 

    please dont waste your money, my doctor said the test is not a very good one, I am definitely in peri and my bloods for hormones came back normal, just as my doc predicted, she said it doesn't always show up until your more menopause than peri, my periods have been all over the place for just over a year now, and I have a list of the endless symptoms, doctor said I was definately peri, you know yourself that your hormones are changing, as for the pregnancy yes you can still get pregnant xx

    • Posted

      Thank you sue.

      Ok I'd read the same online. Perhaps that's why my dr didn't want to test me.

      thanks again and to zingangie too

  • Posted

    Hi  Ella

    If you have had only 1 test and your dr said your not on it, then he needs to do them again and repeat it 3 months later, then compare the 3 tests to get a more accurate picture, one test is too unreliable. .

    Really its more about, how you feel nearing period times, especially if you have period changes, first signs are, severe anxiety, worsening pms, and depression fatgue, brain fog, lots of aches and pains, weeing buckets, bad sleeping patterns, night sweats, hot flushes, the list is endless, so if your test did come back normal, doesnt mean you arent on it, but dr will argue with you because he has normal tests results in his hand, so, instead, he will offer you lots of blood tests to test for other things, as menopausal symptoms are very similar to lots of other illnesses, and these have to be ruled out first, especially if your younger,  so, if he then tests for other things, and they come back back normal as well, he  then may just put it down to menopause,  which when you think about it  makes sense, so you can either save for funds, for more meno blood tests, or, have the other general blood tests to rule things out, when thats done, put it down to menopause. 

    I tried Chaste Berry, foul stuff.............ha and  not even sure if it worked to be honest, your hormones will stabalize but it can take an incredibly long, long, time, just depends on your body, try lots lifestyle changes, agree alternative therapists exhorbitant, but i did find homeopathy worked well for me, but my daughters wedding was coming up so, couldnt afford both.  Not had a period for 1 year now, so considered post, after being on it for 10 years this year, not the same for every woman, my symptoms a lot milder, hot flushes still happen which, is more normal when post, but feel things generally are more balanced now.  

    You are at more risk of getting pregnant during peri stage of menopause which, is the first stage, as your body produces massses of hormones to compensate for the loss of hormones during this time, so, if you want more babies you know what do do..............ha   

    Sorry you dont seem to be getting enough support, but where drs are concerned thats normal, when a dr gets a normal blood test, they turn round and say, blood tests dont lie, well they do where the menopause is concerned............good look ella..

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