I really don’t know what to do? I think I am coping with my menapause BUT..
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I have been on patches for 3 months and have found a difference on the first two weeks of patches but on the other 2 weeks on conti patches I’m so angry and anxious...I’ve got a lot of things going on in my life also I have 2 disables sons who need my attention and also I have bad arthritis in knees and hips.. also panic attacks and acrophobia... my son has to go on oxygen machine at night as he stops breathing and my son number 3 has had his leg in a cage where he shatters all of his bones and being a diabetic he hasnt healed properly so still can’t walk after 6 months ... and now my mum had a fall broke her neck and had 2 bleeds in the brain had to have a operation to stop bleeding she’s 79 and she’s come to stay with me while she gets better ... I can hardly walk myself.. but I don’t know if my hrt is helping me thro? I’m not sure? Can it ?
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claire71812 rachel87590
Just wanted to say that a super hero couldn't cope with what you are having to deal with in your family! So many people relying on you. You could try talking to your doctor about your problem though - which does sound hormonal, as it has a pattern to it. Maybe ask about possible help with your other problems too. Best wishes, I hope things get better for you.
AJacynM rachel87590
Hi Rachel,
I really feel for you as you have such a lot going on and so much stress that it's no wonder you're feeling out of sorts along with meno issues too.
To to say that I am using patches and have had difficulties as I seem to be progesterone intolerant so the second two weeks of he cycle when I use the dual patches I get problems...
I have used evorel equi but the second two weeks I felt as you do now, I felt angry, tearful & REALLY bad breast pain. I then tried femseven sequi but could not get them to stick at all! No side effects as such, just that I couldn't keep them on!
So now I use evorel oestrogen patches continually and add in 12-14 days of utrogestran tabs during the last two weeks of my cycle... I am getting side effects from the utrogestran so not sure if I can cope with it or not at the mo... its a bloody nightmare!
Anyway, I hope you can get help, find the right combination regarding HRT for you - it's a bit trial and error...
I really hope things improve for you darling, stay strong.
AJ. xx
Finny2018 AJacynM
Hi AJacynM,
I just wanted to say thanks so much for all of the information you have shared.
Women like you give that shot of encouragement and strength that I need to keep trying until I get it right!... and then after that it might be "right" for a while and then I may have to go to the next plan.
Finny2018 rachel87590
I am so sorry for all that you are going through during this time. I am sure you will get some great replies from the women who are trying the HRT and their experiences with it. Take care and know that you are not alone. This is a great place for wisdom, encouragement and advice as we all go through menopause.
Gypsy014 rachel87590
Hi Rachel, I feel for you!! These days are so tough to make it through, but do just that, take it one day at a time, and symptoms will start to ease up for you.. Stress will make your awful symptoms even more awful, so just remember as hard as it is try and breathe and relax through each and every symtom as they come and as they go... Maybe look into seeing if you can get some in home healthcare for your mom and your sons, Google it, insurance covers it, and if your insurance won't or doesn't there are charities out there that do, my mom came to live with me too after my dad died last October of colon cancer, he was cared for as he was bedridden after his surgery to remove tbe cancer he could no longer walk and my mom had the help too, this service would send 2 individuals to the home for 3 hours at separate times of the day, one for my dad and one for my mom, before she came to live with me...they would assist with doing dishes vacuuming laundry bathing grocery shopping doctor visits, they really were a big help, so maybe try and look into something like that, I hope you get to feeling better soon...
lori93950 rachel87590
Sending strength to you in such a difficult time .