I seriously think i have a brain tumor, please help?!?!?
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Hello! So I'm a pretty healthy 16 year old femals, slightly over weight but other than that I've had blood tests, all sorts of cardiovascular tests and my blood pressure is great so I'm pretty healthy over all. The issue I have right now is pretty scary and has caused me to have constant panic attacks. I'm just gonna list them cause its a lot.
(This has been going on for 6 weeks now)
1. I'm constantly dizzy. It won't happen when I'm laying down and sometimes it will go away if I'm not thinking about it.
2. There is a sharp pain that runs from the back of my head to right above my eyebrow. It usually stays on the left side of my head but sometimes it happens on the right. The pain is a dull, sharp pinching pain that lasts for like 30 seconds at a time but happens multiple times a day.
3. I feel different... Like its hard to explain but I'm having a hard time thinking about my feelings. They're either agressive and angry or sad and morbid.
4. My ears and jaw keep popping.
5. I'm having issues with feeling detached. Like kinda disoriented and clumsy.
6. There is a weird pressure on The left side of my head. It sounds stupid but it feels like something is inside of my head. The feeling starts in front of my ear and ends right behind my eye.
7. The back of my head keeps going numb. Like it feels like its fallen asleep.
8. I'm always tired... No matter how much I sleep, I'm tired.
9. The only point in the day I feel normal is when I first wake up.
10. I feel weak all the time. Like my limbs are heavy.
11. My left eye feels like there is pressure behind it.
I am so scared I have a tumor or some sort of disease. My mother has MS and my aunt has lupus so I'm scared there is something wrong with my brain.
Can someone please help me... I don't have the money to see a doctor so I don't want to go just to be turned down. Does anyone else think I have a tumor!?!?!?
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broadsword micaela28677
i am sorry you feel as you do. I do have a brain tumour and readily understand the symptoms. I doubt very much that you have a brain tumour and hope that is some reassurance. Your wide-ranging symptoms cannot be diagnosed on a forum such as this. Only your family doctor can give you a range of simple tests and find the cause of your concerns.
i wish you well
micaela28677 broadsword
broadsword micaela28677
Symptoms can vary but are often like a stroke, with confusion, lack of understanding, weakness down one side, terrible and continuing headaches and seizures, full or partial amongst a range of symptoms. I hope this helps
harrishill1 micaela28677
Hi Micaela. I have to tell you what I suspect. Like many of us, you may be taking aleve, ibuprophen, etc to get rid of a headache. What used to happen to me, was that these meds made the back of my head hurt, dizziness, etc. As soon as I stopped taking them, my head stopped hurting. Some of us are allergic or have side effects from these drugs. Many doctors tell me to take them for pain, but I know I can't take them. Hope this helps you. harrishill