I suffer with health anxiety, past two days I've felt as r thou my skin is burning off. Any ideas pe

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Sick of my skin feeling as thou it's burning all the time

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23 Replies

  • Posted


    I too suffer from health anxieties. It seems common amongst us peri menopausal women. I believe all the weird symptoms we get are so out of character for us that we think something has to be wrong and yet tests prove otherwise.

    • Posted

      So very true. I am menapausel. On HRT patches, takes some of the symptoms away but not all. If I get a symptom I just think straight away I've got a illness. Hate feeling this way x

  • Posted

    I would take an ice pack and put it on hot burning spots. Sometimes my head would feel as if it were burning up so so I would also put it on my head too. I would also take vitamin c and I think vitamin c cured it. Hope this helps.
    • Posted

      Thank you for the advice I have just bought multi vitamins so will try them out x
    • Posted

      Okay, I hope you bought vegetarian multi-vitamin, women who are going through the perimenopause phase if they buy synthetic ones it can cause a negative reaction. Especially since many of them use soy, which is a hormone disruptor. You have to be mindful of what you put in your body.
    • Posted

      Thank you again for that advice, I didn't realise. I will check the bitimins before I take them. Don't think they are vegaterian ones x

    • Posted

      Sure no worries. I have been recommending the ones I took that picked me up after feeling down. If he want the names I can pm them to you. Let me know
    • Posted

      It's my skin and stomach at the moment that's affecting me x

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      What is the best  vegetarian vitamin ? I am very interested in buying
  • Posted

    yes im the same, plus my hands are raw and have been bleeding where ive been scratching in my sleep, awful. x
    • Posted

      It really is awful and so uncomfortable I keep thinking is it just me am I cracking up x
    • Posted

      No lovely girl it's not just you I promise, I used to have really nice skin but now I feel like a horrible haggered old witch ! I look like one too ! Xx

    • Posted

      Thank you very much for what your saying. It does help to talk to someone that is the same as you x
    • Posted

      Yes, thanks to you too. It's comforting and reassuring to have friends here, xx

    • Posted

      Ahhh - there are lots of us here going through the same as you and there's always lots of help and advice, chat anytime xx

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