I think I'm in the menopause please help
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I've not had a period since Nov and I'm having hot flushes really bad and finding hard to sleep, with tender breasts also ache all over with joint pain too I'm 46 but know my mom was young, but can't ask her ask she has passed away please someone help me 😥
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caseynjason Tracey3103
vicky77852 caseynjason
tina00239 Tracey3103
Tracey3103 tina00239
Sorry phone, Tina 😂😂xx
bev66 Tracey3103
Hi Tracey iv been suffering with all those symptoms and more for quite a long time. I had some bloods taken in February and was told I'm in perimenapause. Maybe ask your doctor for the test at least it will put your mind at rest xx
Tracey3103 bev66
mauiblue Tracey3103
Welcome to our world.
46 is a very reasonable time to being the process for certain.
Many changes are happening for you right now as it is so many of us or which we are here on this forum or support that you will get
The hot flushes is the declining of the estrogen, just part of the process. IF you can just go with it and not resist it, know in your mind that this is whats happening then you have control right there. Accept it, nothing bad is happening its just miserable..Some women have an easy time (an im jealous of those ladies
other women really truly suffer like yours truly.
Yeah, my joints, and back ache a LOT in the morning then it slowly dissipates as the morning goes on
Hang in...
Tracey3103 mauiblue
mauiblue Tracey3103
I have take every supplement known to man and can not pinpoint if any of them helped.
I think though that if you can take a really good fish oil, this will help, Omega 3's.
Im sorry your going through this, i get it.
Tracey3103 mauiblue
I've brought boots menopause pus tablets vitamins today to help hopefully we'll I will see how I get on with them after a month or so as Im not going on hrt x
christine66659 Tracey3103
Tracey3103 christine66659
vicky77852 christine66659
nancy55477 Tracey3103
Hi Tracey, I have just found out a month ago that I am going through the menopause, from a blood test, I'm on the coil Marena which means that they can't test my estogen levels. My main problem is my memory as it is fuzz, but no hot flushes yet, this might happen soon. I'm 49 and trying to do more excerise and taking vitamin D