I think this may be me !

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Hi everyone

Im so elated that i've found this forum,i had never heard of "perimenopause" until i googled my symptoms (which i know is naughty!)

Im almost 43 & have developed a right onslaught of horrible symptoms & i'm going insane ..let me list a few....

night sweats , constant migraines , dizziness , irregular but lighter periods , confusion , sudden weight gain round my middle which is particularly annoying because im a fitness freak & "eat clean", heart palpitations , memory loss ...phew! It has to be perimenopause, im absolutely convinced but can i be tested for this & is there any treatments to alleviate my horrible symptons? Any help would be so so much appreciated, thankyou ladies !

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Donna 

    yep sounds like peri 😃

    in my early peri ( and now) i take rainforest food Maca 5.1 capsules.. They helped no end with the symptoms .. Amazon uk 

    also consider a mega B 100 time release ( containing 100mg B6) holland and barret

    or Busy B 

    my doc suggested B6 for peri and now i still take it ten years on.

    you will get lots of hell and support on here, lovely ladies 


    • Posted

      Thankyou jay , im grateful for any help , feeling a bit lost about it all,i actually bought some B6 & B12 today after my little lurk around on the forum yesterday & i'll try the rainforest maca too...ill try anything!

      Donna x

  • Posted

    Hi Donna. . My pre menopause was diagnosed with a blood test.. I have migraines, dizziness or lightheaded. I also put on weight in the middle for no reasons... I would get a blood test.. I got told I'm b12 deficiency and pre menopause...
    • Posted

      Hi  Martina...Thanks, i'll make an appointment then at least i'll know for sure i guess x
    • Posted

      hi martina 

      how far in to peri are you 

      as the FSH blood test is nearly always normal range in early peri as the hormones are too erractic..

      its not until periods have declined to approx 3-4 per year in most cases that the FSH levels show menopausal range ..

      was it the  FSH ( follicle stimulating Hormone ) blood test you had 

      jay x

    • Posted

      I don't know Jay I got told on December 12th 2014 while been told I was vitamin b12 deficiency. .I had a blood test done.. I don't know when my pre menopause started..
    • Posted

      hi martina 

      well you look after yourself hun..

      i found keeping a diary of all my periods very good way to monitor it all, see them decrease each year ( in my case ) it took a long while 😀

      nice talking to you..

      jay x

    • Posted

      Jay what does it mean if you are vitamin b12 deficiency but not anemic. I told the doctor today I'm lightheaded and maybe it because I'm anemic. He looked at my blood results and said I'm not anemic it's perfect.
    • Posted

      Hi martina

      During peri often it affects B12 and B6 so i read.

      I think only Severe B12 deficiency can result in the picture of pernicious anaemia.

      Plus your other results are all okay so try not to worry.

      Check with your doctor at your next visit

      Jay x

    • Posted

      Okay thanks Jay. My face feels numb and like my skin feels tight is that peri or b12.. I wish this would go away now... I've never been so confused...
    • Posted


      Your body will be adjusting to the boost if you were deficient, some can have mild side effects from injections so i have read.

      I get intense hunger an hour after.

      Some have

      Mild Upset tummy

      A feeling (or a sense) of being swollen over the entire body


      More so when first administered.

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      at the end of the day, lets face it, your hormones are deserting you so expect changesin your body..when you say never been so confused do you mean you have brain fog or because you dont seem to be in control.

      my menopause brought on being really 'thick.'

      i got this also when pregnant.

      why are there so many men gynnos. how can they ever understand?

    • Posted

      No Confused as in don't understand these sysptoms. .not in control. Pre menopause and b12 deficiency
    • Posted

      My speculation of why most men become GYN's is because they have a fetish for this particular part of our anatomy (if you know what I mean).
    • Posted

      oh how funny.

      next time i'm in legs akimbo position i will wonder if my gynno is being pervi.!

    • Posted

      Nah. I'm not buying that. Have you ever seen what we look like inside! I can't bring myself to even stuff a turkey.Eeeewwwww!

      #guff up!

      Seriously, give me a male gyni/midwife over a woman any day. found woman's attitude more "Oh just get on with it, we all have to endure this!" - especially during labour!!

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