I've suffered 4 years of hell, when will it end

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since starting menopause almost four long years ago, other distressing symptoms are effecting me, seems there's something new every day, tried hurt, not suited, tried herbal. Etc, nothing eases it! Fed up am 55 and still having heavy periods like every 6 weeks, seems no end to it, am very depressed, could do with some support, then I won't feel so alone, no one in my family has had it like me, they sailed through it! Would love to hear from like minded women!

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I have for several years as well chest pain muscle pain acid reflux memory oh the memory fuzziness never seems to end debilitating pain with anxiety and panic
  • Posted

    Deborah, if you still having periods then you are not in menopause 😀 Have you started skipping any periods yet?  Usually your periods will start skipping and be all over the place when getting closer to meno. We are all in the rough ride of a journey and you are right it is very very rough but once you realize it's the hormonal roller coaster before menopause then it's a little easier to deal with. We are all here for you and going through the same. 🤗 hugs feel free to vent or share with us anytime day or night. Things will eventually level out . Enjoy the heck out of any decent days you get. This is a long ride like 10 years I was told it takes a total of 10 years to get through the combo of peri/meno and then another 3 years for your body to adjust to completed menopause now not sure if that's a fact BUT so far it has been for me and I haven't arrived yet 😐 You're stronger than you think and we are here for you!

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         As mentioned, you are still not to menopause.  But obviously things are changing.  In this phase, homeones can bounce very wildly, and this is no doubt what is causing your unsettled feelings.  

       I breezed through menopause, barely noticing a thing.  It was perimnopause that really caused horrible problems.  Yet 4 years in menopause then things like vaginal atrophy and dryness set in.  This change is not a one time thing, "Now you're through it and it's over."  Nope, the changes with our bodies do continue to occur.  We all experience this in our own way.  But I certainly get your comment, I'm FED UP.  Me too, my dear, me too!

  • Posted

    Hi Deborah, menopause will ease up with time I know what your going through unfortunately I'm 55 been through all that bleeding at 53 my periods have stop come come back stop it will cool down and the symptoms will start to die down 

    so be patient goods are on the way.


  • Posted

    Me too girlfriend! Fed up! How come no one prepared me for this? I'll think I'm getting better and then symptoms start back and I will blame myself for eating something bad. I am also alone with the exception of this forum. Thank God for that! My husband is awesome, but struggles to understand. I don't want to go back to my 20s or 30s. I just want to feel healthy and it's kind of hard to when all this is going on. Especially would love to feel mentally healthy.

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