I wish commercials would start telling the truth about menopause
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The commercial about Replens was enough. Now they have a commercial about Estroven. The narrator is saying "you're a force and menopause isn't going to stop that". They claim that Estroven takes care of all meno symptoms. They have like seven symptoms listed on the box. Then they show this happy smiling woman in her own bakery, with a big smile on her face happily serving customers. No wonder our husbands, families, friends, and most of all doctors don't take us seriously. The media acts like it's no big deal. But it is. 20 percent of women leave their jobs because symtoms are so severe, 85 percent have symptoms. Only about 15 percent have no symptoms. I'm so over society acting like we're just a bunch of hypochondriacs.
9 likes, 13 replies
Gypsy014 juanita93228
I agree 100% Juanita!!!! Peri/menopause is torture....I'd rather go thru labor and delivery of a newborn baby 20 times or have a half dozen root canals, or pull my teeth, then to endure these on going torturous feel like I'm going to die symptoms every single day...
Sourpuss Gypsy014
I just had an RC yesterday and it was a bloody breeze, compared to this f**kery!
Gypsy014 juanita93228
The world doesn't get how bad this really is....
crystals51917 juanita93228
You said a whole mouth full!!! Yes! Those commercials are disgusting! Here lately, I've notice that I pay attention to middle and older age women and I wonder, is she feeling what Iām feeling? Menopause is REAL rather anyone believes it or not! It's definitely real and should be treated as any other medical condition. We're over here trying to treat ourselves because Dr's just don't know and of course... WE'RE TRIPPING. I was told this yesterday by someone and they laughed.
Thanks for posting this.
juanita93228 crystals51917
We're tripping? Are they for real?
crystals51917 juanita93228
EXACTLY!!!! It's so hurtful how people and doctors don't take menopause serious. š¦ I really think we are on our own. š¦ SAD!! But true. I want to see JLO's doctors because if she's going through, we can't tell. She looks and apparently feels fantastic the way she was dancing for her 50th. X
juanita93228 crystals51917
It's funny you mentioned JLo. Someone just started a thread about how she was whipping around on her 50th birthday.
crystals51917 juanita93228
You said a whole mouth full!!! Yes! Those commercials are disgusting! Here lately, I've notice that I pay attention to middle and older age women and I wonder, is she feeling what Iām feeling? Menopause is REAL rather anyone believes it or not! It's definitely real and should be treated as any other medical condition. We're over here trying to treat ourselves because Dr's just don't know and of course... WE'RE TRIPPING. I was told this yesterday by someone and they laughed.
Thanks for posting this.
jane66356 juanita93228
I agree...they should show a lady with dark circles under her eyes, crying, sweating, screaming and throwing muffins at her customers because she only slept 2 hours š
It's like the only people that really understand it is the women going through it or have already gone through it. Not the husbands, women that haven't hit "that age" yet or anyone else that hasn't experienced it.
When I was younger, I thought perimenopause was going to feel like "oh, gee I'm feeling a bit hot, ha ha ha" like "no big deal" I didn't realize my uterus was going to fully turn on me and "run the show"....I feel like I'm just a host for my uterus and whatever my hormones want to throw my way.
It's changed my life for the past 7 years and I haven't even hit "menopause" yet. Better come soon š I'm getting too old for this...I'm almost 53.
juanita93228 jane66356
Ok so you really gave me a good laugh!ššš But that is exactly how they should show her!
susan556 juanita93228
I so agree with all of you have said hear, its about the same with advertising skin wrinkles treatment, all the women are in there late 30 s max and have no trace of crows lines or wrinkles. Do they think we are that gullible!I cant say ive noticed adds for menopause on tv, is this in the UK? Im also sick of all these adverts about vaginal odours, Itchy vaginas, vaginal thrush, etc. Pant liners, tampons, sanitary towels showing how much liquid(blood )they absorb. Once every single advert was talking about one or the other, i know its a fact of life but lovely isn't it when your in a room full of men, visitors or teenage grandsons and these come on repeatedly and now its incontinence as well too. Dont see any adds about men and their problems.
Menopause , peri menopause are all real physical, mental and emotional problems without a doubt so adds should showing the realism of this but you know why they dont, because the meds they are advertising probably dont help with the majority of the symptoms and then people would be saying your advert shows a woman like this but they didn't help me. Ive said this before, can you imagine what a shambles it would be our male members of Parliament etc had to deal with these horrific symptoms. I think women who suffer badly should be allowed early retirement myself as it can go on for many years as well.
kelly55079 juanita93228
OMGoodness you are so right on.. I see those commercials too and think 'what the heck'? These women look good and happy-- smiling talking with friends- laughing... Must be in sunny CA cuz I don't see that..
Sourpuss juanita93228
Happy, smiling woman! Yeah right....
I permanently feel like I want to stab someone, just for eating loud or for having hair that does as it's told!