Im 38 could it be menopause

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Ok not sure if this is menopause as still having regular periods but the aremuch shorter and more painful. My biggest worry though is how bad my memory has got its really bad i get scared by it.its every day now im forgetting things even going to talk and it comes out moods go up and down like the weather and i started to feel disassociated with every day life its kinda scary.another thing ive noticed thats weird is my sense of smell is through the roof i can smell everything more intensely. Also my leg and under arm hair is hardly growing i used to shave them every day now maybe once a week.Sorry if i sound like a crazy woman but i certainly am starting to feel like one !!

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Terrie I had the very same issues with my memory and hair not growing on my legs or underarms. My periods was awful really heavy and lasted for ever. I went to the doctor because I had others symptoms as well turns out I had a under active thyroid. Might be worth getting yours checked out its a simple blood test. Good luck to you.keep us posted. This forum us great smile
  • Posted

    Hi there yes my memory is just awful..  I forget everything. Peoples names how to spell things just really stressful at times. I to have much less hair on legs and under arms.....all part of the menopause journey for me anyhow.  Take care and try not to worry too much.XXX
  • Posted

    HI Terrie, 38 is young to be going throught he menapause but it can happen though, i found pr menapause symptoms pretty awfull whilst i was having periods still but   they became more often and a lot more heavier got quite a few years before they finally eased of and stopped. yes my underarm hair now hardly grows, thank goodness its not the same on my head! have you had any blood tests? i too forget things and repeat things to people as well, your not crazy and i know its scary but be reasurred you are one of  millions.


  • Posted

    Hi Terrie,

    I'm 53 and in the perimenopause.  Apart from the other classic symptons I have noticed in the past couple of months that my memory is much worse than it used to be. I dont forget what happened the other day or week what I watched on TV or talked about, so I'm pretty sure its not early Alzheimers!!!

    Its names of actors, singers, people I worked with years ago, street names - stuff like that - and finding the right word for something.  I used to have a great vocabulary, but I feel like its diminishing.

    I have had a recent MRI scan - for another reason - I had a small pituitary tumor - but my brain in all other respects is totally 'normal'.

    I was very aneamic and probably still am.

    Aneamia can cause memory problems, as can depression and stress, so your'e problems may because of something like that.

  • Posted

    Thanks ladies have made an appointment with my dr for today shes lovely so hopefully she can shed some light on why im feeling this way.Ive asked my mum when she went through it and she said that shes only just come through it at 59 she does not remember when it started. But she used photosoya and said i should try see what doc says and let you know later fingers Crossed i get some answers xx
  • Posted

    My short term memory springs a few surprises on me sometimes nothing too serious or to worry about, i think you should stop worrying  38 is young in comparison to me who`s 56..

    The beginning of menopause kicks off at 38 but different symptoms for different women mine was very heavy periods and now at 56 they are almost non existent.

  • Posted

    I'm in the menopause phrase no periods I am 46, and I get brain fog at times my words tent to stumble out like I forget what I want to say. I have always had problems with smell at times it make me want to throw up if I smell something bad. 

    You are not a crazy person you are just going through signs of early menopause or you are just starting to get the signs before your period does stop 

  • Posted

    Hi Ladies back again .I went to the doctor and she ran blood tests.Then gave me a memory test in which I ended up in floods of tears as i couldnt remember how to subtract or spell the words she asked me to do.Then i had to copy a drawing which i passed.She said it was a dementia test to see if I was showing early my case I did so she is now refering me to a neuroligst.For the meantime she wants me to take a low dose sleeping tablet for two weeks just to see if Im suffering from exhaustion (I dont think I am)but she reckons a good sleep and some proper food might help as Ive lost 28lbs since she last weighed me 3 mths ago.That might not be a problem as I had some back issues last year that were resolved so It couldve naturaly come off after I stopped taking the pain relief for that.Heres hoping that it is menopause now as she is a little bit concerend that I did so badly in the test !!
    • Posted

      You have lost alot of weight in just 3 months, and I'm not at all suprised your'e run down if you lost it without really trying to.

      I think if my doctor made me do a memory test I'd feel so stressed out that my brain would freeze up completely. I'm not sure these tests are always a good barometer for memory or intelligence.

      Please dont worry too much about all this. I'm sure you are just really stressed.

    • Posted

      Hi CaroleUJ62 yeah its quite a bit of weight im lighter than i have been in 18 yrs and i didnt try .It doesnt bother me about that just all the other symptoms..Il hopefully feel a bit better after ive had decent sleep etc .Im back to her in two weeks for results anyway so fingers crossed !


    • Posted

      Hi Terrie

      That is a lot of weight you lost. I'm down to 204 from being 210 for awhile so I have lost some weight. 

      Its probably stress and not getting enough sleep that can have triggers on memory 

      It will get better just think positive here is a hug and a smile for youbiggrin

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