Im 49.I've been having some depressive symptoms for more than 3 months.
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Im 49.I've been having some depressive symptoms for more than 3 months. Since a year ago, I have irregular periods. My last period were 4 months ago. During this year I have lost more than 8 Kg. For more than 3 months but especially during July, I feel very sad, tired, hopeless, I have lost pleasure in my daily activities and i feel very anxious. I went to see a doctor and he prescribed me zoloft and xanax (1/2 zoloft in the morning and xanax 3 times a day) I am really scared because I tried to take a week ago 1 zoloft and 1 xanax for 2 days but i felt a heavy head and very tired that i couldnt get out of bed. That's why i quit. After quiting I felt worse. I dont know what to do. Shoud I start the medication again? Is it normal to have this symptoms? Help me please. I am very worried and I am worring my family even more...
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liz53953 aida73734
May be worth seeing someone who will look at your symptoms as a whole. There is always a solution don't give up. Do you think it's menopausal?
liz53953 aida73734
godblessed aida73734
Sorry you are going through this stress. Perhaps you can also join a forum on depression and get help/support/undestanding there? Those medications you mentioned are prescribed for anxiety and depression. Maybe you need to start taking them at a lower dose and work your way up? It takes a while for your body to get used to these medications, and there can be some side affects until your body gets more used to them. I was on 50mg Sertraline (zoloft) for anxiety. I took it for a year, and when it felt like the high anxiety had passed, I weaned myself slowly off without any problems. Once you have started on these medications you shouldn't come off suddenly-you will need to wean yourself off with your GP's help. I think it is ok to get help through medication for the sake of mental well-being-we take other medications for other ailments without a second thought. I would just suggest that you also consider going to talk with someone to help you work through the underlying causes of your being anxious and depress-I did that myself.
All the best!
sharcerv52408 aida73734
I have had a similar experience with my weight and the anxious and depressed feelings I have lost 10lbs in about the span of 5 months due to my shifting hormones. It sounds like you are right here with the rest of us ladies on this forum. These are symptoms of perimenopause. What you are feeling may not feel good but it is "normal". I was a complete basket case when I first joined this forum. If it wasn't for janeyjay and some of the other women on this forum who have helped me to understand what my body was going through, I would have gone crazy!
I have had my doctor test my FSH levels yesterday to see where I am hormonally (still awaiting the results). The best recommendation that has worked for several of us on this forum is to try some B6 and B12 vitamins which help to alleviate a lot of these symptoms.
As far as the medicine, I would consult with the doctor. Anytime you abruptly stop a medication, the body will protest. I had a similar experience when I stopped taking my blood pressure meds. It's better to wean yourself off of meds than just stopping cold turkey.
nancy0925 aida73734
beth64101 aida73734
liz53953 beth64101
beth64101 liz53953
liz53953 beth64101
beth64101 liz53953
liz53953 beth64101
beth64101 liz53953
liz53953 beth64101