Ime disappointed in the response ladies ;(
Posted , 16 users are following.
Hello I put a heartfelt info re menopause and not one person has replied?!??!
1 like, 27 replies
Posted , 16 users are following.
Hello I put a heartfelt info re menopause and not one person has replied?!??!
1 like, 27 replies
We want the community to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the community are not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in respect of any healthcare matters. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek appropriate medical assistance immediately. Use of the community is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified as being in breach of those terms.
Astrid64 Millie46
lisa65434 Millie46
Astrid64 lisa65434
Good reason for no replies I guess!
Millie did you post it in this forum or mistake it for another one!
klvb1162 Millie46
JaneFlag Millie46
So sorry about not being able to find your post. That can really make you feel very alone out there with this peri-menopause/menopause thing all women go through.
I don't know what you said in your post, but please know there are many women who care. I can go on and on about my experience, and it was like a Mac truck hit me for 8 years. Lost my job, lost part of my concentration abilities, depression and moods were off the charts. Thank goodness for my husband, who could see beyond the bitchy moods, and see that it was not me normally. This month will be a full year of no periods and finally hit menopause. The weird, and I mean very weird symptoms, have stopped in intensity, thank goodness! So there is light at the end of hte tunnel.
Please write back at this forum to let us know what you are going through, we all need support and I do care about other women having strange symptoms besides the regular ones doctors will believe you about. I ended up in the behavioral health unit at my local hospital, due to extreme depression episodes that were part of my journey. I had depression before all my life-unipolar, where I just get extremely fatigued and extremely sad (depressed). I am 56 and my symptoms started at 48.
I feel so much better now, I am on medical disability through the gov, not SSD, but I will still need to work at least part time to suppliment my income to gave a better living. Anyway, I am happier in general and trying to be positive and adjust to life the way it is now, and be grateful for all I have, especially the people, and you are one of them!. So please don't misunderstand that no one cares, they do. I pray a lot and that helps me. If it is just sending out good thoughts for you, I will do that too. I don't want to be an evagelist, not trying to convert anyone. But I just want to send out good vibes to you to let you know there are so many people who care, and you are normal for whatever symptoms you are going through.
Take care and please repost.
sharcerv52408 Millie46
Tazchurch Millie46
Big hug
Taz xxx
hevb Millie46
Like the others I haven't seen your other post..
Please post again as I think you can see from the other replies that we're all here for each other
Take care xx
joanna49787 Millie46
I cannot find your post either! I feel as if I am going to hell in a handbasket with all the weird symptoms I have, so believe me and all of us here, you are not on your own. In the midst of all this I was so so nauseous with abdominal pain, and after many visits to GP, I managed to get one to listen to me! He did a test for helicobacter pylori and it came back positive. I have just finished a week of intensive antiobiotics. I really could have done without that!
Please re-post and I am sure we will all respond.
Take good care
jayneejay joanna49787
Oh poor you hun,
Hope the antibiotics sort it out..
Big hugs x
For those who want to know what
helicobacter pylori is
Useful info ..
How H. pylori Makes You Sick
H. pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium commonly found in the stomach.
The bacteria's shape and the way they move allow them to penetrate the stomach's protective mucous lining, where they produce substances that weaken the lining and make the stomach more susceptible to damage from gastric acids.
The bacteria can also attach to cells of the stomach, causing stomach inflammation (gastritis), and can stimulate the production of excess stomach acid.
Over time, infection with the bacteria can also increase the risk of stomach cancer.
jayneejay Millie46
Cant see a post ..
Can only see comment you made two months ago about insomia ?
Repost it on this discussion
And this one as new discussion
click on your own icon and username and see your own discussions you have done etc...
Jay x
liz53953 Millie46
madcow1964 Millie46
Please NEVER think you are alone! You will find more support than you could ever - have dreamed off on this site and you would never be shunned or ignored!
Something must have gone wrong with your post - heaven knows, I've had a lot of internet problems lately (or maybe my computer is menopausal too - it wouldn't surprise me!).
I know it's so deflating, and can make you feel like Oh what's the point??, when you go to the effort of penning a long, heartfelt email, or text, only for it to never reach its recipient! But don't give up - we're all here to listen and offer advice and or sympathy.
You're so not alone x
Jan999 Millie46
Jan999 Millie46