In menopause and having palpitations, IBS, panic attacks, panic disorder, chrinic anxiety
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Hi, I have gone from having a normal, productive life to a wreck in the last year. I have been in menopause for 14 months. I started with occasional palpitations about 2 yrs ago which started to cause panic attacks. I have akso had chronic indigestion for the same time, had tests n nothing sinister showing so believed to be ibs. I have had increasing anxiety over the past 18 months. At xmas this escalated to panic disorder, looping panic attacks. I am now on 75 mg sertraline (AD), betablockers, diazepam when needed and evirel conti HRT patches. Palpitations coming more frequent...wondering if its the HRT patches. Dont drink, smoke or have caffein. Went back to work too early oalps when i got home & intense fear. Ecg at xmas showed normal tho doc said something minor with atria...she didnt understand! She at first said it was afib then later said its not. This question mark is troubling me wen i get the palps...i asked her if she thinks theyre stress related, she shrugged n said maybe! Think i need echocardiogram to put my mind at rest. I know all of these symptoms can be menopause related. Is anyone experiencing similar? Thank you!
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maria_03422 julie7525
Hi Julie,
i think is all menopause related..i had the same think and i had stress test done which came back ubnormal thinking i had some heart condition!! i was send for the echo stress which was horrible and everything came back normal!!!
I do get the panic attacks, i forgot last year how many times i had drove my self to the hospital!!! Now i get them at night when everyone is sleeping i start getting that tightness in my throat and goes down hill from there..
First you should find another dr.. I did the old one i had he was the same way with the maybe 's and i don't knows!! Then you will start feeling better..
Believe me i'm still going through it but eassed a bit...
julie7525 maria_03422
Thank you Maria, yes it's the maybes that arent helping! Thank you for responding and sorry to hear youre having a hard time of it too. How long have you been like this? At xmas i was waking thru the night straight into PAs, i hardly slept for 5 nights. The betablockers have stopped the full PAs with adrenalin dump but im still struggling with anxiety ( i know its worse to start with on ADs) but its the palpitations that really freak me out! Who wouldve thought that the menopause could be so bad?
maria_03422 julie7525
For me it's going to be about 6 years now that I've been dealing with this..
Like you, there is nights can't sleep and when I do I have nightmares!!! The past 6 months I notice some improvement, till today my stomach is bothering me again and feel so bloated and of course now I'm thinking the worst and I'm so anxious..will be a long night..
hope4cure julie7525
the big M is a nightmare I remember going thru all the symptoms you describe. The meds should help with panic attacks and they will eventually get better. Hormones are raging which causes so many different issues I didn't know if I was coming or going.
eventually it all worked out. After about two years. Learning to cope was the hardest part everyone is different.
hope you can get things sorted out soon. Mabe try hormone therapy?
julie7525 hope4cure
hope4cure julie7525
I hear ya Julie. I remember many days I would be heading out to work driving along and totally forget where I am. Lost and panicking away. I drove to my work place every day and was lost! YIKES ! I would have to pull over and wait till it passed. The doc gave me meds to help they did and after a few months it does get better.
It will pass takes time be don't need to struggle see you doc this is normal for many going thru this. You are not alone.
Positive and healing blessings sent ur way.👍
julie7525 hope4cure
hope4cure julie7525
Julie, you have a positive outlook. I know that with time you will shut this down.
julie7525 hope4cure
Trishann julie7525
I've been dealing with this for last 3yrs I'm 44yo now and it seems like it's comeback worse. I refused to take HRT due to side effects. But I've come across Dr. Helen Pensanti products she is a gynecologist for many years and is now selling her natural products. Look her up she had recommended me to use Progonol Cream(progesterone) which I gave her all my symptoms that you have and she suggested I start off with this. I'll give it a try. Great reviews on her natural creams and glad I came across her site. Good luck! I hope it will all come to pass someday!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
julie7525 Trishann
karen77710 julie7525
Hi, I'm going thou what your going thou right now, been like it since last June. I'm on Beeter blockers and HRT patches same as you. It's a nightmare and yes it's all down to menapause xx
julie7525 karen77710
jamie50513 julie7525
Hi Julie,
I believe they are meno related. I started with the same thing in 2015 and have been dealing with it ever since. I have had so many panic attacks that the ER techs know my name. I've had two hospital stays , EKG's Echo and whatever test you can think of and all came back normal. I have begun to notice the pattern now that these symptoms are the worse around ovulation time, right before or after my cycle. I suggest you see another doctor to rectify the what if's. But I almost certain everything you are going through is meno related.
julie7525 jamie50513
Thank you so much Jamie. Shes been great at dishing out tablets but like you say, its the uncertainty. Palps are generally benign, but occasionally not. Its reassuring to hear all your tests came back normal. The betablockers have stopped full on panic attacks but when i get the run of palps i get the fearful thoughts n wonder whether to get a paramedic round to wire me up (this is what a nurse suggested). I did go to a&e last april after a PA but ecg was fine. I may ask if i can wear a monitor for longer so the palps can be recorded or sent for an echocardiogram.
julie7525 jamie50513