In Peri too early? Am I abnormal??
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My mother didn't go through menopause until her late 50s and none of my friends my age or older are in peri at all. Plus I keep hearing of women that don't even start peri until 50s and have few symptoms. I think I started peri about 45 and am having ALL THE SYMPTOMS. Anxiety. Weight Gain. Rapid Fibroid Growth. And now crazy hair shedding. Yet I've eaten healthy and Paleo for all my adult my life no sugar, wheat etc.. Am I defective? Why am I going through peri so early?
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lisa78546 sakura26
Hi your g.p can run tests to check your hormone levels, you can go through there is no fixed age for what your experiencing. I am going through hell right now im 45 l had my overias removed in 2012 and honestly ive never been so bad. l would see your g.p and get your bloods done. Sorry for the short reply. Sending love and best wishes. x
Keljo48 sakura26
If you are 45 then that is definitely not too early for peri. . I am 51 and have been post menopausal for near 2 years. I was in peri for several year. None of my friends have any menopausal they say. I don't think they understand what perimenopause really is. They think hot flashes, and no periods. Ha I wish I had gotten in that menopause line! I have a friend who swears she isn't having any hormone symptoms but sells and uses essential oils like it is a lifeline. She suffers from irritation, a bit of anxiety, moodiness, etc. I hmmm her but to each their own. She wants to cope with essential oils and it works, good for her, she's my friend so I let her be.
There are some in here that are in there sixties and are still having periods. Some start in their late 30s.
My doctor checked my hormones when I was about your age and was having menopause symptoms, she said my hormones were normal. It frustrated and worried me. Eventually my ovaries started their shriveling (my word lol) and my hormones started showing menopause on hormone tests. But I was doing the menstrual hopscotch by then. (Period, miss 2, 2 periods miss 4 etc).
Back in the day of our mothers (at least mine) didn't use words like perimenopause, post menopause. It was going through "The Change" MENOPAUSE. Hot flashes, no more periods.
What a crock of dung! 😃 Now I realize why my mom seemed like a women on the verge sometimes. lol She has dementia now so I can't have that conversation with her. But I think she suffered but didn't know what it was.
Welcome to the club that none want to be a member of. You are in the right place, a great group of ladies here full of support.
lisa95354 sakura26
Do you know what I just thought also, our mothers era didn’t have all the modified food we have now. Cows milk has antibiotics and hormones, so do chickens, unless you purchase organic. Practically everything is fed Grain. Not to mention all the carcinogens in the air. i’m sure that makes a major difference as well. don’t be hard on yourself 😉 XO
sakura26 lisa95354
You're right! Tho that doesn't explain friends my same age that eat garbage and are fine. One of them is never happy yet she is beautiful, never had a single health issue, has a guy, high-paying easy job, works from home, went to Maui last month and is going to Paris 2 weeks next month. It really makes you wonder about luck and how much control you have. I would be thrilled to have one of the things she does, good health, love, money etc ... Thanks Lisa 😉
jamie37119 sakura26
the reason she is probably not happy is the lack of depth in her life, having a guy, job, good looks, home etc are all materialistic kind of "happiness" ...
lisa95354 sakura26
don’t go down that road of comparing though, it is a dead end road. But I have to say I do know how you feel. I have this neighbor that is a total sleazebag in fact she was even involved in a murder in our town ...but she’s not getting any charges pressed against her because The detectives are using her as a witness. And yes can you imagine she lives right next-door to me. They recently fixed their inground pool … That was an empty cement hole for 10 years and she’s out there like the queen of Sheba, makes my blood boil. she has three kids she never raised, treats her husband now like a lapdog/indentured servant, has been married 10 times, yes 10 times... and here I am a pretty darn good person Who tries to do kind deeds and help other people as much as I can and I’m like ...why don’t I have a pool, why does everything seem to fall on her lap? But again ...dead end road, I need to stay in my lane 😉 your friend sounds like my neighbor ungrateful, self-centered, Me Me ME agenda type person . don’t worry ...your friend will get kicked in the a** one day by life ...and when she does ...she’ll learn to be grateful! I have heard that from a lot of women though ..that are eating healthy, they are having the same symptoms as me and I don’t eat healthy... I’m ashamed to say that I don’t. I love food and my cocktails. I do a lot of holistic things and I do take good supplements. my beautician just told me yesterday that his uncle live to be 99 and he drank Grappa every day in Italy. I wish I was a yoga guru and was plant-based but I’m not 😉 but again I really get your frustration. I think reincarnation is the only thing that can explain this kind of stuff. I know as a Christian/ spiritual person, I’m not supposed to believe in reincarnation, but it’s the only explanation for a lot of things. I mean when you see little kids in Saint Jude commercials, and they pass at three years old ...that can’t possibly be their only life. maybe your friend was a stray dog in her past life 😉 that’s why she’s a queen now LOL. hang in there !! XO
sakura26 lisa95354
Thanks Lisa. I needed to hear that. 😃
jamie37119 lisa95354
Silly question, but what was deleted that you posted?
jamie37119 sakura26
I believe I started aged 40, I am 46 now and having the extreme symptoms for nearly 2 years now. No you are not too young to start perimenopause, I do believe our age is the usual age.
sunaina1983 sakura26
Hi dear
ur not too early for Peri.
and ur not abnormal my friend ....Ur not alone....Its Peri symptoms which make our life abnormal...
there r soo many friends in group who undego peri at late 30 or mid of ur not early my friend.
I started peri at 38 .and my mom start peri at 48...there r many other factors which decide weather u undergo peri at early..ur unmarried ,no kids and some specific health problems....Everyone body is unique my dear...its our body decide at what time its ready for Menopause ......all my friends of my age have no symptoms for peri and enjoying life...and they have no clue what peri is...and how me feeling these years....soo its not necessary that u will also undergo peri at same age as ur mom or aunt or friends of same age undergo ..
Every one is different and undergo peri at different age dear..we cannot compare it with others
Take good food have alot water..
Hang is there