Indecision driving me mad
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Hi all
Now I've never been one for making snap decisions but my indecision is getting out of control.
Last weekend I need to spend 2p more at the garden centre to get £10 discount. It took me 40 minutes to choose something, 10 of which were spend deciding between 7 exactly the same plants.
Anybody else finding this a peri problem?
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Fairy28 middlemuddle
middlemuddle Fairy28
Bubbins middlemuddle
middlemuddle Bubbins
jennifer01077 middlemuddle
I guess I was always pretty picky (okay, let's say sensitive and detail-oriented, makes it sound better!). Maybe it's gotten worse, and maybe I am just getting better about not putting myself in situations where I don't stress myself out. Still, very much a first world problem, and kinda funny really. Well, that's the way I look at it.
middlemuddle jennifer01077
shaznay96184 middlemuddle
That's not a problem. That's a small supply of chocolate bars at the checkout, surely?!!
yeah, sorta do this. But have always done something like that. If I have a Birthday Card to buy, my husband always says: "Just pick one, buy it, and come out!". In all honesty I do spent too much time getting the right card.
Ha Ha! Just read Lou86 below. We should use this up and down the stairs-mullarkey as exercise!!