Insides Ache
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Lately my lower part of my body aches. Inside and out its my lower back, front and legs. It happens tregularly. Had internal by gyno, everythin ok. Could this be hormone changes? I'm 53 and know I'm going through a lot of menstral changes.
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debbie_18471 nancy0925
I will be 49 in April and I have been having same pain off and on that you just described for about 12 months. Have had CT scans MRIs and many internal ultrasounds of pelvic area. The only thing they have found is Fibroids and enlarged retroverted uterus. Doctors don't think my uterus or fibroids are causing my discomfort though. Must be connected to Peri. I have never had any period or ovulation pain my entire life until now. Have read many forums where other women get these aches and pains in pelvic region during perimenopause. I think the pelvic pain radiates to the hip groin and leg region. Oh wonderful perimenopause. I pray every morning for this transition to pass quickly. Hope and pray you feel better soon.
Debbie ❤️
debbie_18471 nancy0925
elaine33371 nancy0925
MrsMerm elaine33371
I must have banged my elbow at work?
Anyway that was weeks ago, no bruising or swelling but the pain hasn't gone away, sometimes it feels like a burning sensation
Mentioned it to GP and he just dismissed it
Just wish it would go away, I can't lift on that side anymore
elaine33371 MrsMerm
With fibromaylgia the burning will be down more to either, nerve ending pain especially after a knock, or, possibly wear of tendons etc, try reading up on, carpel tunnel syndrome, and in particular tennis elbow see if this is you? i also have this, sounds a lot but its not, its all down to age thats all. Is the pain actually in your elbow joint? or, in that big muscle in the forearm just round the front of the elbow joint, if so, then that is tennis elbow, which is wear and tear of tendons due to repetative use of the forearm elbow joint, mine can be particularly bad after carrying heavy bags of shopping, worse in the right arm than the left, feels like my arm is getting longer and longer, as tendons are our elastic!! you can get a strap for that, works brilliantly, pain stops as soon as you put it on, so no need for meds, if it doesnt take the pain away but your sure you have tennis elbow, then you havent got it in the right place, if pain goes, but then comes back a few hours later, take the strap off, as you have had it on for too long then, its a velcro strap, you can get them on amazon, about £7 or, $11?? definately worth the money, not particulary nice to look at, but you wont be wearing it long, and ive not used mine in years, to test for tennis elbow, when you press that muscle in, on your forearm close to where the elbow is, dig in somewhat until you hit the painful spot, if its painful then you have tennis elbow, then carrying on pressing into and all the way down following your vein where they take the blood from, on the inside of your arm, press it in all the way down to your wrist, thats the long tendon running down your forearm, if thats painful then thats another sign of tennis elbow, can even go into the tendons in the palm of your hand, so press in there also, just to see how far the tendons are affected, if it is tendons, it is more related to fibromaylgia, which is common during menopause, pain will not be as bad though with it being caused by menopause, which is a plus, and not all drs are up on the subject, so, total ignorance really, and if he does know a little about it its bound to be the bit thats says, its caused by emotional problems ................ha so, i would just sought it myself, its less frustrating, comes to something doesnt it when going to the drs is more stressful than actually having the illness..............ha
Sorry its long, just hope you can pick something out of it to help you, good luck with it.
debbie_18471 elaine33371
elaine33371 debbie_18471
So thankyou Debbie.............. Debbie Duck!! take care, take care of those fibroids, you can do it debs.................xx
MrsMerm elaine33371
Sorry it took so long to.reply but absolutely shattered, as off today made myself go out for a walk and was exhausted when I got back. Zzz to bed early
Just woke up for no reason as we do with menopause
Your advice and info is really helpful
Many thanks
......... .Mrs M