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Ggrrrrrrr I can't sleep is that part of the menopause and what can be done, I go to sleep ok and 2am every morning I'm wide awake and then it's 10 min naps here and there and the night sweats too 🙉🙉 so my poor husband gets cold because I chuck the covers off then of course an hour before my alarm goes off I go into a deep sleep and then that damn alarm goes off and I'm tied.
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Guest nikki60363
This is certainly something that happens to me. I used to be a really good sleeper. Now, most nights I wake in the early hours of the morning and can't get back to sleep. It's not anxiety or worried thoughts waking me up, I simply wake up and can't get back to sleep. Sometimes I give up and get up for a couple of hours before, like you, falling into a deep sleep about 4am or 5am. Other times, I brazen it out, refusing to get out of bed and toss and turn in frustration. And then occasionally, out of the blue, I get a full night's sleep, and again, I have absolutely no idea why. Along with all the other symptoms - rage, anxiety, hot flashes, breast cysts - lack of sleep just feels additionally unkind. Feel for you x
dawn70425 nikki60363
Hi there
I feel for you, as I'm just the same, some nites it's 3 in the morrin b4 Iv fallen asleep, then awake again at 4 that's it, can't get back to sleep then...
Most nites it takes me til 1 in the morin to fall asleep, just tossing and turning each way, then ten min later I'm wide awake, as tho Iv had 8 hour sleep 😡 And Iv not it's only been ten min ...
I'm lucky in away as I live on my own, and to be honest I could not stand any one in bed with me, think I'd end up killing him 😩 Lol... so best on my own,,
The hot sweats are still there but not as bad as they were a few months ago, it's driving me mad not being able to sleep good, and it's not because any thing is on my mind, because it's not, just can't sleep now, and then end up with a cracking headach as so tied in the day....
I have to look after my grandson mon/tue all day and it kills me as so tied and bad head.. doc gave me some sleeping tablets that worked fantastic, with no side effects at all, they were great BUT only two weeks worth as said can not have any more then😩 So it's back to sleepless nites.
Iv tried listening to meditation at nite, which is nice, and some times I do fall a sleep, BUT like you ten min later I'm awake again..
So rubbish is this menopause, and I can't have HRT either so have to just get on with it, all I can look forward to is one day this should all stop hopefully 🤞As I'm only 53 and this as been going on for the last 4 yrs, so I u derstand what you are going through, and so, so many woman on here who are the same as us...
I was glad to find this forum to express my throught on the menopause, as we can try and help each other through this stage of our lives... I wish you all the best and a big hug to you, and always know your not on your own 🤗C
gailannie nikki60363
Yes Nikki, this night waking is a part of menopause. This is well documented and is a part of lack of estrogen, especially when it's combined with night sweats.
gina24951 nikki60363
I have no problems sleeping. However, I do wake up maybe twice with hot flashes, but fall back to sleep. One thing I cannot contaron is my anxiety and depression. I’m on bhrt but doesn’t seem to be working as of yet. It’s been one month now on BHRT. I’m still taking clonazepam as needed, but today seems I will be taking two instead of one. Started seeing a therapist and will see him on Thursday for the 2nd time. I also scheduled an appointment with a holistic and integrative family medicine doctor to see what she can do for me. I want to feel myself again. 😭
gilly_64426 nikki60363