internal pounding and vibrating 24/7 for 4 years now
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I have had pounding and vibrating in my body for four years. I am able to get 4 or five hours of sleep. I take .75 Zanax and 25 mg benadryl and that makes it possible to sleep, but it is not enough and I am severely sleep deprived. These sensations go on in the day but are less. They wake me up and after that there is no more sleeping and I could never sleep during the day.Lying down makes the vibrations start. My life is hell. I feel sick all the time. I have no quality of life and have become depressed. I have been to umteen doctors and noone can help me. Th latest thought from my GP is that I have Dysesthesia. Is anyone familiar with that? Also any suggestions on another med to take to get more sleep? Also, do you all really think this is hormonal and what is your take on that? Has anyone gotten any relief from any hormone that was prescribed? Thank you all for any input
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Struggling50 pamela49207
I am so sorry you are suffering. I understand the lack of sleep.
I take 2 Benadryl at bedtime and a good quality B12 Vitamin with it.
I also have acupuncture once a month & that really helps with sleep and relaxation.
When I first started acupuncture I went twice a week, then once a week, then once every 2 weeks. Now just once a month.
I also see a homeopathic doctor for my perimenopausal/menopausal symptoms. He is in the same practice as my acupuncturist, so they are able to discuss my case with each other.
Have you had your hormones tested? I guess the saliva test is better than the blood test.
I haven't tried hormones yet. But am looking into a natural progesterone cream someone on this site recommended.
I can private message you the name of the B12 I take and the name of the progesterone cream, if you would like.
I hope that you find relief soon.
pamela49207 Struggling50
pamela49207 Struggling50
Struggling50 pamela49207
If I try to post names of any product in these posts, they are deleted by a moderator. There is a way I can send you the names by private message and you will get a notification that I sent you a private message.
I haven't looked into the progesterone cream yet. Another person on this site recommend it. I'm going to check it out on the internet.
Check out the recent posts on "66 symptoms of menopause". They are talking right now about internal tremors and thumping in the body, especially while trying to sleep.
Hope this helps. I will private message you the names of B12 and progesterone cream.
Struggling50 pamela49207
My acupuncturist and homeopathic doctor both have recommended the saliva hormone test.
My sister's acupuncturist had my sister do the saliva test.
I don't know if conventional doctors use the saliva test. I think conventional doctors use a blood test that isn't as accurate as the saliva test.
Toddpodd pamela49207
pamela49207 Toddpodd
Struggling50 pamela49207
Prince was using Fentanyl, that is what killed him.
Michael Jackson was Propophal (that spelling is wrong). It is an anesthesia that is administered by an anesthesiologist.
Toddpodd Struggling50
Toddpodd pamela49207
Toddpodd pamela49207
pamela49207 Toddpodd
Toddpodd pamela49207
dawn70425 pamela49207
Hiya Pamela .. very interested in what you’ve posted, as I too get the same feeling, mostly at nite, and I don’t sleep good either, I’m going through the menopause and have been for the last four years, this started about 10/12 months ago and seems to got worse, or it’s that Iv notice it more, ... it’s soooo strange feeling, like a vibrating more so in my legs, but some times in the rest of my body, Iv not been to see any one about this, as just hoping it’s the menopause and will stop soon🤔... please let me know if you find any info on this at all, as throught it was just me lol... 🤗x