Internal tremor
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I'm 53 and post menopause. Since pre menopausal days, I always had constant pain on my neck, shoulder & back as well as internal tremor. I can't focus or concentrate on doing any activities. I often feel the internal shaking puts me off balance, the feeling is like I'm going to pass out anytime. it is driving me crazy.
Can anyone please share if you also have such experience & what can be done to get rid of the internal shaking?
I am very desperate to find a cure.
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christine66659 Irene1210
hi 53 and ten years post menopause..periods stopped at 43 ..last couple of years ive had problems before..very frightening and makes me unsteady on feet..neck shoulders lower back..when i walk can feel like im walking to the side..its not vertigo as ive had that and its not in my head..i do have bulging lower disc and am.being referred to see if i have any neck issues as apparently this can cause tremor off balance etc..hope this helps
christine66659 Irene1210
also tmj can do this..grinding teeth at night which i also am prone could tell because of pressure on my daughter told me it sounds like im eating at night lol..i personally think body is under more stress post meno than before...because their is no hormones or very few..i was fine symptoms..maybe because i was young and did not realise x
sunaina1983 Irene1210
helloo mam
Me too suffering from internal tremors ..some times they r soo strong that my shaking legs seen by people too.
It is followed by dizziness and head pressure
I am in peri from last 2 years
I donot know any remedy dear.
shannonmairs7 Irene1210
You could be describing me!! I have pretty much adjusted to the tremors, but the near constant head and neck pain drive me crazy. I haven't really found any remedy for it....
Hang in there!
kim35797 shannonmairs7
hi strange you should say that i keep getting a neck ache and feels like when i move my head i can hear sort of crunching sound but no one can hear it appart from me
shannonmairs7 kim35797
My crunching sound is ridiculously loud. And when my neck is sore, which is most of the time, it also feels kind of like a "hot" pain. So weird!!