Interview next week.
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I have an interview next week for a professional job. It is in front of a panel of people and I have to do a presentation. I used to breeze through these sorts of things. Now, my anxiety and panic is so bad that it is torture. Since my vision is my main issue, I am paranoid of having a migraine aura in the middle of the interview. My life has been so stressful this past year. From dealing with all of these scary symptoms, to getting fired (due to the migraine aura), to taking care of my ill mother. I don't even know if I can handle the job. I am a bundle of nerves and tears. I am just so afraid of my vision during the interview and having a panic attack and not being able to escape. I don't have a choice to not work as it is just me. Any words of wisdom?
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pinkcatfairy staci88515
Dear Staci
We have spoke before, Im sorry you are going through this, I have been aura free since April and have had two this month, i think it is the bright sunshine as we are having the heatwave at the moment! Thankfully I dont panic with them like i did, i remember the very first one did make me panicky. I find taking a paracetamol seems to lessen the severity if i take one as they begin. Do you think that would work for you? I think the stress and worry of worrying one might come on could actually bring one on, a vicious circle! I dont have much advice but try not to worry as these seem pretty common dont they? Sorry to hear that you are taking care of your mum, it is all added stress and pressure im sure. I have come to accept the auras now but i get how you feel, after the first one again the other day, I was almost expecting another one. Xx
Ella23ps staci88515
Breath practice the 4-7-8 breathing it is like taking a Valium. So do that right before you walk into the room. Don't over think what could happen this week live in the moment. This was a prayer my mother had hanging on the wall above our telephone when I was growing up and I still pray it today. "Lord fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff and nudge me when I've said enough : )" It works. Do not focus on what you use to be, just be the women you are that day and smile always smile people love that and the Lord loves a smile too it reflects the women he wants you to be. I believe the Lord blesses smiles that comes though pain more than a smile that comes though joy because that smile is hard fought for. You can do!!! I'm sending you and hug and a prayer.
PS - One last thing Hydrate! Drink some pedialyte before the interview most headaches come from hormones, stress, or dehydration so hydrate and breath 4-7-8.
Keljo48 Ella23ps
Ella, I am going to put that saying on my wall in vinyl with my Cricut! "Lord fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff and nudge me when I said enough". I should have been praying this for years. 😃
Ella23ps Keljo48
LOL my mother bought that little plaque just for me and hung it on the wall above our telephone. I was a little chatterbox growing up and she would say now remember this and say it before you answer the phone or call someone.
Chuckj staci88515
Do you meditate? Meditation teaches you to breathe and live in the moment rather than worrying what has happened in the past and what may happen. Think positively and think of all the times you have achieved success. As another contributor suggested, a genuine, warm smile and firm handshake is always good. Dress in smart, comfortable clothing so you ooze confidence. A lot of it is about presence and confidence as much as what you say. All the best.
lisa95354 staci88515
Hey Staci... My heart really goes out to you, I have kept you in my thoughts since we last spoke on this forum. Go on the Instagram of 'Dr. Deb Medicine Woman', she looks like a whack a doodle 😉 but she’s a very spiritual person and there was something I saw on there tonight about this treatment for migraines that works. If you go on her Instagram and scroll down, it’s a box and the word looks like anchovy. I know it’s not anchovy, but that’s what it looked like. I am so sorry you have all this on your plate, along with your ill mother, it is so stressful dealing with ill parents, especially when you are not well. I know it’s very isolating but you are not alone. I know it doesn’t feel like it but… This too shall pass ... if your spiritual... repeat Jeremy 29:11 over and over. Remember, nothing is permanent ... Believe believe believe that good things are to come... Health, prospering, another job you love... Anything is possible, don’t give up! I'm sending you healing... caring thoughts !!!! XO