Involuntary muscle twitches. Do you ladies get them?
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I have been having muscle twitches in my shoulders and arms lately. It's seems like it's just one symptom after the next with this peri stuff.
Feeling incredibly annoyed today! Could be the insomnia! UGH!!!!
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jaimie44465 Vee2016
I get muscle twitches and tremors. I also, can't sleep at night. So much fun!
Vee2016 jaimie44465
OMG! Me too!! Sometimes I don't know whether I'm coming or going! I'm sooooooo tired all the time! I don't want sleeping pills though, because I don't want to have to rely on them to go to sleep
This stuff is exhausting!
rose33977 Vee2016
I was like that yesterday so so angry with everything also keep getting a horrible taste in my mouth I've read on here before some ladies saying they get a awful metsl taste in they're mouth
Oh the joy whatever next will this ever end I'm so fed up with it x
Vee2016 rose33977
becky53379 Vee2016
Vee2016 becky53379
Although I hate that you have had the same symptoms, I'm happy to know that I'm not alone. Us women have it so hard at times!
Thak you Becky! I hope you get some rest tonight
michelle46271 Vee2016
I get muscle twitches in shoulders and hardly any sleep. Last night no sleep. I've had the horrible mouth too.
becky53379 michelle46271
Vee2016 michelle46271
Us ladies get to have all the fun, don't we??? I'm sorry that you're experiencing this too! This whole process is extremely challenging!
michelle50768 Vee2016
Vee2016 michelle50768
Oh my! You have been dealing with this for 9 years? You poor thing! I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one, but I hate that all of you wonderful ladies have to experience this!
monique_93857 Vee2016
Yes you are definitely not alone I get this I believe it's part if our hormones dropping or rising I had it today in my arm I lay on my bed a lot up on my elbows playing my games to keep me busy and when I in hunch my shoulders oh lord they hurt twitch so I know how your feeling I'm sure others have been through this as well
Vee2016 monique_93857
Thanks for sharing Monique! Sometimes all of the symptoms can be downright overwhelming!!! So glad to have you ladies to talk to
Kris1012 Vee2016
My twitching is in my hands !!! Never know when it will happen. Has anyone been having vision problems. One minute reading next everything is blurring can't read a thing!!! Just feel so overwhelmed with all these different symptoms! !! Looking for support,guidnes!!
Vee2016 Kris1012
Hi Kris,
Yeah, the vision thing happens to me too sometimes. I agree, the symptoms are totally overwhelming, especially when they seem to come right after the other! I swear I was getting a new symptom a day and I felt like I was falling apart, even though all of my tests came back normal.
This is hands downs, one of the most challenging things I have ever had to deal with. I'm praying that I make it through with most of my sanity in tact! lol! I know it's not funny, but sometimes I have to laugh or else I'll be crying!
The ladies here are great if you're looking for support. I'm a newbie and I already feel incredibly welcomed!
rose33977 Vee2016
Me to Vee
I'm a new bee and so glad I found this forum I cried when I realised I wasn't alone this is so much help to me x