Irregular spotting

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Hi ladies, I am just wondering if anyone had spotting, light bleeding between periods? I am 54 my periods have become very irregular and some times very light others heavy for a day then nothing much then a couple days later spotting. It is driving me crazy!! I always have to be prepared! It is causing so much anxiety! i also feel so hot and sweaty most of the time!! I feel so depressed and alone!!

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17 Replies

  • Edited

    This can all be normal when your body is going into menopause. Your body is trying real hard to drop an egg and have a normal period and your ovaries are not up to the task and your hypothalamus and pituitary gland will not shut up. Do Breathing 4-7-8 and just go with it (ride the wave) because these strange sometimes horrible things have to happen to us for end to come and remember Stress, Anxiety and Worry will only make it all Worse!! You are not alone so do not get depressed The Lord is with you and He is AWESOME!! He will get you though this and I will pray for you.

    • Posted

      Ella, thank you so much. Your words were very comforting. My faith in God and my prayers are the one thing keeping me going!!! I appreciate your prayers.

    • Posted

      sorry for above message. tried to use emojos lol!! I will keep you in my prayers!! xoxo

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      Thank you Beverly, I will put you on my prayer list also. I might not be able to do everything I want to do, but I can and I will pray : ).

    • Posted

      Thank you, I will keep you on my prayer list. I do believe in the power of prayers. I have see with my own eyes just how powerful prayers are.

    • Posted

      Loved your message too, Ella. I so admire your faith. Could you pray for me too? I am going in for surgery next month on what we hope is a benign uterine polyp. But I am very scared. I too believe in the power of prayers. Though I must confess I am far too transactional with them. I wish I had a deeper faith.

      Sorry to take the discussion off topic, Brittany. Keep us posted!

  • Posted

    Hi Brit,,, I get spotting alot,,,a lot of the time my period doesn't even have enough strength to force it out of my vagina into my panties.. I am 53 and have had about 8 periods this year, I know it is getting closer, I do have fibroids and acccording to an ultra sound quite a few but they don't seem to bother me,, so I do know that fibroids can make you spot also. try to track your periods if you don't already my spotting also seems to fallow alittle of a pattern, I actually have like two times a month my body trys to start now and it makes it seem like I am bleeding all the time.. but if you are real concerned u are supposed to ck out all spotting with your doc,, me I have been tracking so feel fairly ok right now,, just waiting for it all to stop like you!! hugs and like ella says lots of preys!!xxoo

    • Posted

      Beverly, thank you for your response!! It seems like I am following the pattern you are! I also have a couple of fibroids! It is comforting to know i am not alone! Prayers

      and faith are what get me through!! I will keep you and Ella in my prayers


  • Posted

    Hi Brittay -

    I just went through the whole drill; ultrasound, biopsy and D&C. The doctor found a few benign polyps that resulted in non-stop spotting. Never heavy but anxiety producing. I think our anxiety is on full tilt right now. Any little health thing throws me over the edge. I feel like I'm wasting my life worrying about health problems that end up to be nothing.

    I know more women that have your same issue at our age. My mom, my one seems to escape the dreaded last periods.You can order protective underwear on Amazon, they are like granny pants but have a protective layer that may give you a little extra confidence. That and long blouses allow you to bulk up and feel secure.

    Good luck and don't worry - we are almost at the finish line.


  • Posted

    Dear Brittay

    I am four years post meno and in peri I had the endless spotting, it caused me anxiety too! I only ever heard women say they had heavy periods and not spotting. It would go on for days, stop and start again. I did get it checked out but everything was OK, another meno symptom x

    • Posted

      thank you for your reply!!! it is comforting to know I am not the only one that has had this!! how long did the spitting go on? xo

    • Posted

      Hello yes it went on for some time but due to family history of breast cancer etc i did have ovaries removed so the spotting stopped, so i dont know how long it would have continued otherwise x

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