Posted , 8 users are following.
i am so irritated!!!
this is a horrible feeling!
literally everything bugs me and it shows!
i am very bitchy!!
0 likes, 5 replies
Posted , 8 users are following.
i am so irritated!!!
this is a horrible feeling!
literally everything bugs me and it shows!
i am very bitchy!!
0 likes, 5 replies
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Pra_Adoni Madracquel
You are describing me! When I cool down, I end up feeling bad and more MYSELF! 😦
kelly55079 Madracquel
Yes this is me.. Much worse before period.
Cloutie Madracquel
If anyone knows what can be taken or done to help being irritable I would be over the moon. I do yoga, I practice breathing deeply.... And am still a complete rat bag!
lisa95354 Cloutie
HELLO Cloutie, speaking of things getting on our nerves, this form is getting on my nerves because every single time I try to reply it makes me sign in every flipping time and a duplicate sentences and paragraphs and doesn’t capitalize correctly, so irritating. I tried to curb the sugar and alcohol and caffeine, it makes the temper tantrum is 1000 times worse. But to be honest I just went bananas on my husband last night, the least little thing they do it triggers you to just flip out I swear, but men can tend to be very passive aggressive which is also very irritating. I also read an article that said when you get upset stop and ask yourself is it my hormones or am I really upset about this. I’ll try to find the article and send it to you. I really feel for everyone on here because I know I beat myself up so bad after I lose my temper I mean like I beat myself up worse than anybody could. it is a vicious cycle, I’m three years post menopause and sometimes I still feel so bad. but I deep breath and ask God to please control my thoughts. we are pretty much climbing up Mount Everest every day, the Mount Everest of hormones ;- sending positive vibes everyone’s way 😃
2chr2015 Madracquel
so funny you posted this today. i was like this earlier today. i had to make a return at a store today and i don't mean to be short with people but i probably was and she was giving it right back to me lol!! sisters in meno... HAHA... i had to laugh about it when i left.