Is anxiety part of this?? Common??
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I don't like this.... I was doing just fine then all of sudden of nervous to go to my kids sporting events?? I just don't understand why I'm not feeling myself. And it is frustrating. I hope this goes away soon because I don't like being nervous-- uneasy feeling.
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becky53379 kelly55079
donyale518 kelly55079
nancy0925 kelly55079
I know how you feel. I get anxiety attacks alot. I also have health anxiety, thinking there is something wrong with me. I can barely stand to be at work some days. I just want to escape outside where I feel less smothered.
Jokey kelly55079
Hi Kelly, I am 56 and postmenapausal but sadly still getting some symptoms
but I find it easier to deal with through "experience". It is perfectly normal to
get anxious at this time, I had to leave the marquee at my son's graduation
from University, I felt so panicky and it was damn scary.
That was 9 years ago. You will get over it or at least learn to deal with it.
You may be able to find instruction on internet to help you or learn
a breathing technique which will certainly help you.
The feeling will subside in time but you don't want to be missing out on stuff
in the meantime.
Look into it I am certain it will help you.
All the best to you?
Jokey kelly55079
Hi Kelly, I am 56 and postmenapausal but sadly still getting some symptoms
but I find it easier to deal with through "experience". It is perfectly normal to
get anxious at this time, I had to leave the marquee at my son's graduation
from University, I felt so panicky and it was damn scary.
That was 9 years ago. You will get over it or at least learn to deal with it.
You may be able to find instruction on internet to help you or learn
a breathing technique which will certainly help you.
The feeling will subside in time but you don't want to be missing out on stuff
in the meantime.
Look into it I am certain it will help you.
All the best to you?
Sorry that went on twice, slow internet😊😊
kim74983 kelly55079
i have been fighting this too. its just aweful. i constantly feel very nervous and go into panic attacks. been going on for months. i tried xanax and it worked very good 1st few weeks. then 3rd week it didnt last as long anf i would get angry and more anxious as it wore off. i have read horrible things about it so stopped using it daily. ( i do keep in my purse in case i go into an attack that i cant handle if i am out of the house. but no more daily doses ) it did clear my head for those few weeks and i finally accepted what is going on is just peri. i have health anxiety and all these symtpoms have been overwhelming for me. i tell myself daily now " acceptance" and it seems to help. i keep saying i will get thru this.. its been going on for awhile so has to come to an end soon of constant bad feeling. my brain seems so weird all the time and out of sorts. like im getting thru the day but not living. its hard. i lose focus, cant think, fuzzy brain, feel like im dreaming kinda. and on edge. its tough. but u are not alone.
kim74983 kelly55079
i feel like im gonna drop and faint or go into a seizure at any moment. but i havent yet and keep telling myself i will be ok. i try to cut out sugar, i heard it help but i cant! i have small cheat every day
i did stop soda and dont drink coffee. i guess one thing at a time. sweets next 
metamorphed kim74983
kim74983 metamorphed
ok starting tomorrow! its my only weakness
but i hate anxiety too
i did notice a pattern of high anxiety after soda. even half a small cup. im used to having 1 a day, i dont drink coffee, but the last time i had ancxiety for hrs after so i quit that quick!
metamorphed kim74983
good for you! you'll be surprised at how much easier the process becomes once the awful anxiety is under some control. its still yuck, but the anxiety is worse. i'm back eating a few treats a week with ZERO anxiety now after cutting it out completely for a while. Happy Days!
kim74983 metamorphed
metamorphed kim74983
2chr2015 kim74983
The coffee effects me very quickly also. Sometimes it doesn't though. Maybe it depends on the type or brand having different amounts of caffeine. But, even going back to the same place I had an anxiety attack before will cause one. Crazy!!
Thank-you for all the replies!!! Makes me feel better and I just hope it goes away.. I have gone to these basketball games and sit with other parents of sons friends BUT still would rather be somewhere else.. I have noticed that on busy days with exercise my brain doesn't feel 'funny'-- but not always. I'm also trying to eat more fruits and veggies to help rid of the sugar cravings. Maybe being good to myself will help.. : )