Is anybody tired of people telling you to "just get over it"?
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As if you can just "get over" menopause and the depression that it brings along with the million other symptoms that comes with it. I
5 likes, 44 replies
Pamwhid juanita93228
OMG. i want to say no its not over it sucks and i wont wish it on my worst enemy. No go away
Guest juanita93228
YES! or my personal favorite... " boy, you're having a rough time" NO s*** sherlock!
juanita93228 Guest
😂😂😂 Each woman is different. Some struggle horribly with all symptoms. Some have symptoms that come a go. Some just struggle badly with two or three symptoms. Mine has been depression and coupled with job burnout(my supervisor called me in her office and said she was worried about me). I had a complete meltdown and after some discussion, I think they may give me a month off.
Guest juanita93228
OMG, you totally must have felt like a little kid again going to the principle's office! I am getting whacked with migraines along with the stress and anxiety...and I seriously think a bit of depression that I cannot be the wonder woman I was before. I have had every heart test known to man...but...yesterday I went to the dr in the "big city" for my balance issues...big buildings, people everywhere, heart felt like it was going to explode. Along with the faint, dizzy crap. I think I must be severely out of shape too...have not moved a whole lot this past year. Good luck with the work stuff...they better pay you!!
juanita93228 Guest
I'm sorry you feel so badly.🤗 Yes, this was an answered prayer. It's been building all year. But I was like be strong don't be weak. We women try to be Wonder Woman taking care of everybody, but who takes care of us? Be kind to yourself.
Yes, I have enough leave, I will get paid while I'm off. And I will be under the Family Medical Leave Act which will protect my job while I'm off. If it happens.
brendababy Guest
lou how'd you get on at the drs? did they say what they thought were causing your symptoms? xx
Guest brendababy
Hi Brenda! Yes...he thinks vestibular migraine ...but, I have to do balance testing first to rule out inner ear damage...because both of my ears ring and have pressure. (neuritis, meniers, etc)...hopefully not that because I had a perfect hearing test last year...even during the test my ears were screaming. started a discussion earlier with details under "dizzy ladies with migraine brains". 😃
beth12460 juanita93228
The phrase I hate is: You are done.This is by female medical professionals. They don't understand the full implications of that statement? Why do something which is painful for other women?
juanita93228 beth12460
You are done? What the heck does that mean? Done with what? Your life? Your period? That is a horrible statement!🤬
Pamwhid juanita93228
ampat1 juanita93228
OMG yes makes me so upset. i don't know how to explain that it's not that easy to shake it off, if I could I would. it's not like we love being miserable. My fav is Try not to think about it.... lol how can you not when you are literally feeling all these crazy physical and psychological symptoms. I pray every day to wake up one day all normal. wish it would end just like it came out of blue. We are warriors, we're no less than super women. I am not even 40 and going thru peri hell, while taking care of my young children , working, wife duties etc. Now if that does deserve a trophy than what does?
Pamwhid ampat1
Try not to think about it. SERIOUSLY, like i havent thought of that. or its just part of being a woman and your getting older now. GrRRRRRRR
Guest ampat1
oh yes! The "try not to think about it " advice. Gee thanks people... never thought of that...cuz it never works! I b**** all the time on here about my migraines...because you ladies are the only ones that understand. I told someone recently about them and got back....." oh yeah, I've gotten headaches before". Really! Mine are like my brain is going to explode!
I am the same with kids and wife stuff...I am envious...I did have to stop working last year...dizziness, etc sooo bad. At 41, I feel like hell too!
sarah05599 Guest
No one understands how debilitating migrains are unless uve had them, Ive had them my whole life not as bad as when I was younger(used to be in tears as felt like I had a brain tumour) but still get the aura and stroke like symptoms the headaches just not as bad. At work they just thought it was a headache and expected me to carry on working at my computer when I couldnt see so I had to just disappear to a dark quiet room until the aura had passed and carry on even though I felt weak and disorientated after as going to bed is what I should have done but they didnt get how serious migrains are and you cant just carry on.
Guest sarah05599
Terrible! so nauseating too having to do computer work, when the brain is zonked! I am self employed, 1 women groomer/stylist. Takes a lot of patience and stamina! Had a terrible vertigo attack last year while working in my shop. Floor was on the ceiling! I stopped soon after...scissors and my fur clients wiggling all over ..being so dizzy just screams accident. That was a year ago and I am still dealing with the off balanced feeling and more intense migraines. Went to a vestibular neuro (started a discussion about my visit) I hope he helps me get better. I love and miss my work and my clients...and of course the money.
juanita93228 ampat1
You are amazing! I couldn't imagine doing what you do and going thru this. Try not to think about it? Would they say that to someone with a serious disease? Menopause may not be terminal but you feel like it is! One lady said she felt she was dying a different death every day. Yet another said she wished it(menopause)would just kill her and get it over with. Try not to think about it? Smdh
sarah05599 Guest
I do hope you receive the help you so desperately need been following your posts for a while and no your really struggling like all of us ladies on here, thank god for this forum!
Guest sarah05599
thx too! May I you take anything for migraine prevention...or treat them as they come?
sarah05599 Guest
I just take 2 nurofen tablets when the aura starts so that when the aura is gone in around 30-45 mins and the headache kicks in the tabs will have kicked in to take some of the pain away, although they dont really do that much tbh. I did try feverfew caps for around 6 months and didnt have one in those 6 months but then they started up again so stopped taking it.
evi75119 ampat1
Hello, how old are you? I am only 32 and being in peri hell since my 30 years old. It is extremely rare and abnormal experiencing peri in such a young age...I completely agree with every sentence of your post.
I am doing my best, and try to forget the hell, but I cannot because of the intense presence and severity of my physical symptoms.
I am praying for a miracle but I am going to ask for bioidentical HRT. Only God and Jesus Crhist can save me.
Hugs to everyone!
lucy48229 evi75119
Hi Evi,
One of my relative she had the same issue. And she went to bio HRT, she got everything normal.
evi75119 lucy48229
Really? I thought that I was the only one in the whole planet experiencing this hell so early.
I am still having regular periods but the symptoms during whole month are extremely severe and unbearable.
I am going to insist on hormone therapy. I wish I find some relief. It is the hell on earth. You gave me a bit of hope
Guest sarah05599
Hi Sarah! Thanks! Feverfew and butterbur were on the headache handout the otoneuro gave me...some "migraine vitamins" have a combo of the feverfew, butterbur, magnesium, B2 ...but, he said in the US, we show evidence of liver damage from long term use. However, in Europe, they are more widely taken. So, I am going to do magnesium, B2, and nortiptyline to focus on prevention. Was on a low dose of amitriptyline, but this dr likes nort better. Also, at 41 my hormones are a mess, but I tried getting back on birth control pills...3rd week in, I got 5 migraines...told to stop them.
I also never realized that the tingles I get are actually aura...always thought aura was visual only.
sarah05599 Guest
Ive never had the tingles but I sometimes get arm numbness and speach problems which still scares me now as its like your having a stroke thats why people who dont get them dont understand thats its so much more than just a headache and you have to stop what your doing and lie in a dark room or sleep it off.
Guest sarah05599
Me too! I slur my words during the post migraine. I am from the northeast, and we talk very fast here...I have to slow way mu d thinks it...but my mouth is not ready for it! So nice chatting! I picked up my child at school yesterday...saw a parent that I am friendly with. Tried to mildly have a conversation about menopause...she us older than me and I thought she could relate. NOPE!
Also, there is a huge cross on the I drove up the hill I looked up and asked whoever is up there listening if he could throw us a ladies a break. I say "he" because I cannot imagine another woman doing this to us! MMM...but then who is mother nature! 😉 😃
sarah05599 Guest
haha lou, yes it defo cant be a women up there putting us through peri hell. I take my dog out daily and see the same ppl I could never imagine telling any of them but today was different as one lady told me she was going through the meno and is having terrible sweating and moodswings so I ended up saying I think I am going through it to so seems I have a fellow sufferer to chat to.