Is anyone else stressed about this virus?
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just wondering if anyone else is feeling anxious and emotional during this virus situation? i was fine but last few days my anxiety has risen alot its not so much a concern of getting sick its more of the urgency people have my kids are home inwork from home they have tons of school work im bombarded with work and the concern about the stores not having items and stuff i just feel overwhelmed with stuff my head feels like a pressure cooker i feel like i will explode crying at the drop of a pin and i hold it in and now feel like im losing it like im crazy and my mom makes it worst just the constant i should stick up on food and stuff asnif we wont be allowed out of iur homes or ourvstores wont have food she is makung me worry more than i need its driving me crazy
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sakura26 christina81747
I feel the same. I am on the other end of the spectrum. I'm alone and so stressed about the news, the lockdowns, running out of groceries or risking going out to get groceries if there are germs and any groceries or TP are even left. I wish I had a husband to keep me company or some children. It's really kicking up my PTSD and peri anxiety and making it hard to sleep. It feels like the zombie apocalypse.
juanita93228 sakura26
If you are a praying woman pray. I feel blessed my nephew came to live with me in December. He jumped out from behind the door last night scared the crap out of me then we both burst out laughing. He has been a blessing. I say this because I have lived by myself all my life.
Do you have a way to communicate with friends and family with facetime? If not get on here everyday I check this forum every day. You'll get a response. We're in this together. Hang in there.
jaynie08827 christina81747
this whole thing has licked up the already anxiety. not sleeping. upset stomach heart racing. feeling like im not getting. air. in a nutshell im more of a basket case not afraid of getting sick either. if what they are saying g it's mostly those that are older and ill. I'm 52 and besidesmenapause and my 1000 symptoms im ok. lol. unafraid the news isn't telling everything cuz why shut everything down over something not deadly??? it's all very scary I'm scared for my children and grandchildren. so yes im off the chain and u as a mom juggling a lot with this menapause crap it's expected be safe and know ur not alone.
jennifer97171 jaynie08827
ohhh i agree. im not working because of anxiety. so all i do is sit home. ive been home for 6 days now. im driving myself crazy. its hard to breathe, nausea, diarrhea. i just feel crazy in my head. i just want it all to end. i feel as tho i dont have much to ever look forward to with this st. anxiety is ruining my life. and of course my husband doesnt understand it. he thinks i can just snap outta it. its to the point now where we r talking divorce. all before this we went everywhere together. on trips, camping, fishing, boating, everywhere. WHY CANT I JUST CLEAR MY HEAD AND GO BACK TO WHO I WAS BEFORE??? why doesnt anyone understand my head?? this is all causwd my a tramatic event a year and half ago. ever since then i absolutley HATE myself. im on meds they were working for the last 2 months. i dont know what happened but im just aggravated at how much ive changed and became this person whos mean to the ones i love because im soooo angry at myself for not being able to jyst shake this. my anxiety is all health related. ive had panic or anxiety attacks and when my heart gets going crazy im scared im having a heart attack and gunna die. ive had echos and lab work and been to the er and cardiologist many times. cardiology says im stressed out, nothing wrong. blood work says nothing wrong.. so then why do i feel like st ???? why doesnt anyone understand why i just cant go back to who i was??? i appreciate ANY and ALL comments or help.. PLEASE
Sassyr12a jennifer97171
Hi Jennifer
I'm sorry you feel so awful, we know how it is and the anxiety can be absolutely crippling. I tried bhrt, then hrt then had to stop and move onto antidepressants. I've been on them now since December and they are working for the anxiety. It's still there some days but nowhere near as bad as it was. I also get as much fresh air as I can, walking, running etc and do some meditation here and there which helps me feel like I still have some control of myself. The old you is still in there, she's just a bit swamped at the moment. Try not to beat yourself up, nothing is your fault and you're doing your best. Be kind to yourself and keep going 💜 xx
jennifer97171 Sassyr12a
thank you. i want to fight this so bad.
Sassyr12a jennifer97171
... And you are fighting Jennifer, but you might just have to lower your expectations for a little while. I bet you're still doing essential things to keep everyone going even though you feel terrible but sometimes we judge ourselves far more than we would anyone else. If you're upright and sort of operational, you're winning!! Xx
lisa07272 jennifer97171
Hi Jennifer,
Reading your post is just like I have written the exact post.
My anxiety is off the scale, I have always had anxiety but since Menopause it is high every minute of everyday. I too have had a traumatic experience that has made everything so scary. I have racing heart, skipped beats panic attacks, feeling like I can't take a deep breath etc etc, had lots of tests over the years and been told its all anxiety. I don't go on holidyas which has caused so much upset with my husband, he said he needs holidays and will go without me which breaks my heart. Our marriage has been really struggling due to my health anxiety. I too feel like i'm going crazy and hate feeling like this its so draining. And this Coronovirus has freaked me out, he mentioned that I had not kissed him for a while, so I gave him a quick peck on the lips now i'm scared about catching something its awful. My anxiety also has caused problems with other family members as no one else gets how my mind works. You are not alone Jennifer and i'm sure your husband loves you a great deal but they just don't understand how we feel. Maybe try and have a nice romantic meal at home and sit down and try and explain how you feel and say that you don't want to be like this but it takes time and support to get back on track. We are all here for you, stay strong x
mirna58979 jaynie08827
I feel pretty much the same and I feel out of my debt with it as I have no control over anything....
never felt powerless as I do now.....
just mad xxx
jaynie08827 christina81747
this whole thing has licked up the already anxiety. not sleeping. upset stomach heart racing. feeling like im not getting. air. in a nutshell im more of a basket case not afraid of getting sick either. if what they are saying g it's mostly those that are older and ill. I'm 52 and besidesmenapause and my 1000 symptoms im ok. lol. unafraid the news isn't telling everything cuz why shut everything down over something not deadly??? it's all very scary I'm scared for my children and grandchildren. so yes im off the chain and u as a mom juggling a lot with this menapause crap it's expected be safe and know ur not alone.
porsha16866 christina81747
hi. yes my anxiety has been through the roof! this is overwhelming... its hard to sleep, then i have thoughts of martial law. everything is closed . its scary
samantha48216 christina81747
You are absolutely not alone in this. I too have had sleepless nights, anxiety verging on the point of panic attacks. Difficulty in breathing like i cant get enough air in my lungs and its all paranoia. I'm scared for everyone what an awful time. Thank god for this site otherwise i would feel like its just me. Love to everyone xxxx
ang28869 christina81747
I am right there with you...its so hard when you watch the media to know what to believe. i think the fear is the virus making it difficult for healthcare system to keep up. Just trying to take care of common everyday emergencies on an already broken system, is pushing things over the top. Then it is a trickle effect which effects our economy and the list goes on. I guess we need to try and take the approach and mind set that...the virus is here. What can I do to keep my family, friends, neighbors and myself safe and healthy? How can i learn to use the products and food that i have without being wasteful to make them last longer? Try setting up a game plan to ease your mind on whatever is causing you the most anxiety. Sometimes I over plan or over think things but I feel a little bit more secure in the things that I am able to control...maybe try journaling your fears, but also the good things in your day. We are all in this together...turn off the news for awhile. When going through menopause we already have issues going on...just try a control only the things you can. everyone is in my prayers
charlotte57631 christina81747
I too feel like i am going crazy..try not to look at what's going on and be strong for my family but inside i am going crazy..anxiety is on the high with all this virus talk..God be with us and praying for everyone🙏
so last week my husband got a 10% cut in pay along with reat of employees cause of this virus now tiday his hours are getting cut cause the mandated nys to cut all non essential jobs and he is a manager in a car dealership this is not good i have been holding all the emotions and stress in for a eeek my kids are home have tons of homework and i work from home and feel bombarded like ineill explode i wake up with headaches that last all day and head pressure eye pressure too i have akidneybstone as well and am not thrilled