Is anyone willing to share whether they struggle with "Peri/Meno Rage"?

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I know this is a touchy and difficult subject, and one that people often want to keep private, which I understand, but if anyone is willing to share just how angry/irritable/mood swingy they get, I'd be really grateful.........

I'd also appreciate if you could tell me whether these emotional changes happen at particular times of the cycle for you....... this is SO debilitating, living a normal life really is pretty much impossible cry

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lou,  I do not have personal experience with the rage...which is shocking because my mom did.  She went through meno while I was teen.  My dad died and all my brothers left home (she had me late). She was scary angry sometimes...screaming, throwing stuff one minute...ok the next.  I never knew what to expect. I was so confused because overall I was a good kid, never gave her grief.  I was just the recipient. She never got help and went to a dr.  She cool as a cucumber now...we have a wonderful relationship. I completely understand now what she was going through. Please, get help if you need it! You never know how you are affecting those around you 😉

  • Posted

    Hi Lou

    Im just post meno had 10 years of peri hell.

    In answer to your question yes!! I have rage.

    I hate everyone and everything right now.

    Anything can make me angry.

    Im not on any HRT ir meds.

    My mum and my husband think i should try an antidepressant because im just so angry at everyone for no good reason. My marraige of 30 years is really suffering.

    Im really considering it because all i want is to be left alone.

    Very sad im just praying the end is in sight x

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle I have a friend like you that hates everyone and is just down right nasty. For some ppl menopause is a breeze yet for the rest of us a living nightmare. I chose Quality of life and HRT instead of murdering my husband and l hope you have seen someone to help you get through this. If not find a good doctor xx
  • Posted

    For many years I am experiencing awful PMDD before entering in full peri.

    Especially before my period starts, I feel like demons have conquered my body. I want to hurt the feelings of persons  I really love and I am becoming aggressive and so mean.

    It is uncontrollable. 

    After this time, I am crying and apologizing for my irrational behavior and I really hate myself.

    I believe that probably my progesterone and androgens are higher compared to estradiol when I feel like this.

    I have made this assumption about higher androgens because I have noticed a  coarse hair on my chin

    Then when my period starts and progesterone falls, I am like frightened deer

  • Posted

    Hi I'm on hrt. I get in a rage when I start the progesterone phase of my hrt. It's horrible. I'm horrible. It lasts a couple of days. I have a dip in estrogen then too,so I don't know if it's the less estrogen or the progesterone or both. My body then seems to get used to it. I still feel 'off' for the whole of the progesterone phase, but not as bad as the start. I feel fine on just the estrogen.?

  • Posted

    My moods were so bad they ranged from suicide to murder.... and some other stuff in between until l found all is good with the world

  • Posted

    I'm 49 and my periods are at times very heavy which is frustrating because I'm spending more time in the bathroom and losing sleep.. ha ha  Anyways, around this time-- maybe about a week before my period I crave all kinds of food and my mood gets a little 'ify'..  Don't know if it's due to this or just fed up with my 'life' in general.     I just bought a new vitamin that is supposed to help with PMS and night sweats (I just started getting hot throughout the day)  so I will see if it helps.  Also, I may have to schedule more 'me-time' with friends to see if that helps too..  I have a good relationship with my kids (teens) but not sure I'm thrilled about just living with my hubs is a few years..I'm sure it will be fine but is it something I really want. 

  • Posted

    One of my worst symptoms are mood swings. Seeing my gyn this week about it and everything else. I go from being easily irritated at everyone to very low depressive mood and yes, anger. I never act on it thank god. I know it's my hormones, so I try my best to keep my behavior in check; not take it out on my husband. What is weird is the moods are more prominent after my period starts. Weird and frustrating!

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