Is everyone ok??
Posted , 10 users are following.
havent seen any new posts??? is everyone doing ok during this covid??? how is everyone feeling??
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Posted , 10 users are following.
havent seen any new posts??? is everyone doing ok during this covid??? how is everyone feeling??
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laurie19311 jaynie08827
Hi Jaynie! Thank you for reaching out and asking. I for one am stressed to the max, lol! I missed a period for the first time last month. I did get it in July and it was horrible. I feel like my symptoms are magnified and I am always on edge. I am exhausted and have insomnia and when I do sleep it is very restless. I just keep praying and knowing at some point this too shall pass! How are YOU??
jaynie08827 laurie19311
i am a wreck. im in post and i too cant sleep. i feel bad all tge time..i have no idea whats goingbon with my body ...with this covid im very nervous about going to drs..when they are even open anyway..just keep praying it passes. hang in there. sending prayers
jaynie11103 laurie19311
sorry took so long to respond for some reason im not getting the responses .i have to go back and now some are popping in the boat with u as far as no sleep. i was having this falling rush electric kinda feeling that kept waking me up at night which would lead to.panic so ive stopped sleeping at night. now i just doze a bit during the day..another lady said her lungs felt like cotton candy. i guess thats a good way to describe weird breathing. the hot rushes are worse. i just dont get how our older yrs are so days just run into days. idk how u can feel this bad and drs cant find anything. anyway. hang in there and be safe
nikiola18292 jaynie08827
Hi 😃
Not good! - I am 55, stopped having periods October 2019. Had bad perimenopause symptoms, now have stopped its worse. The pandemic and lockdown made me hugely emotional, bit better now. I had to see GP 3 weeks ago for bad piles and urine infection that was so bad i didn't know what to do with myself (think meno related stress). Took medication and is much better. I have noticed that where i would normally of had a period for 2 weeks each month, i feel awful ( emotional), sore boobs, mood swings, health anxiety, you name it, i tick most on the list.
Im trying to do this naturally through diet, exercise but i am struggling. I don't really want to go down the HRT route if i can. I'm finding it very difficult at the moment. I have a 17 year old daughter at home trying to manage online A level lessons, so hasn't been a barrel of laughs all being stuck in but then its the same for everyone, so i should not complain!
jaynie08827 nikiola18292
u sound like me only my period stopped bout 3 years ago but i didnt get this bad til last feb. lately its just hell..i cant sleep my breathing feels weird anxiety anxiety flashes very bad..weird headaches..when i do finally fall asleep im waken by this weird rush electric feeling. then i feel like i have the flu. sometimes for min sometimes all day. my health anxiety is through the roof. i reread old post from other women and it seems alot is tgis menapause crap. it really is wearing me down. i too am trying to do this naturally ..need a break though ..ill pray for u safe in this crazy world these days.
ImagineOneDay jaynie08827
I have been wondering the same. I was checking my settings thinking WHY DON'T I RECEIVE any more messages. Hope you are OK Jaynie. It has been tough with covid-19 going on. It added to our anxiety and worries. Take care
jaynie11103 ImagineOneDay
everything feels very strange now...ppl everywhere i go things are very different. even this forum noone seems to bebon it for supporting each other. hope u are doing well also. stay safe
eleni1960 jaynie08827
Also post meno 6 years worse than ever. struggling with constant dizziness at mo anxiety
is terrible hot flushes as bad as ever heart palps, skipped beat, shaking, nausea, fatigue, list goes on and on.
so fed up. Try not to google cos just makes me worse I convince myself I have something awful.
Wishing you all better days.
jaynie11103 eleni1960
hi. i guess we are in the same boat. i cant believe this happens to women. i heard of menapause but i thought only hot flash. like u just get hot then it goes away.. mine are like pins and needles then weird head tgen hot...then i justbfeel like i got a really bad hangover with the flu. i feel like tgat all day. then the weird breathing where that comes from idk. i cant sleep at night cusvof the feeling im falling electric feeling that leads to panic so i just doze during day. yes the list goes on also and like u i try to stay off dr here if u need to chat. stay safe. ur arent alone in this...
eleni1960 jaynie08827
Thanks Jaynie
I know it sucks doesn't it. Try not to worry too much I know its easier said
than done. Try and tell yourself so many women have same symptoms and all still here.
Our Anxiety makes things so much worse because our nerves are sensitized and our body reacts. It will pass.
jaynie11103 eleni1960
i try to talk myself out. its been almost 2 years. 3 without a period but its like how can someone feel this bad and live???? well ur not alone either. thanks for beingbthere. stay safe
staci88515 jaynie08827
I haven't been posting much because my posts keep getting removed. I spend all this time writing for someone to not even bother reading them and just hit delete.
I never post the name of a product or link to a website or recommend a certain remedy/behavior. All I do is post about my own experience with symptoms. It's ridiculous.
jaynie11103 staci88515
idk whats been going on with this .there has been noone on there. even alll mine seem to disappear. if it keeps happening and u need an ear just send private message ill be glad to chat..stay safe
2chr2015 jaynie08827
hi. i haven't been on here in a while either. i stopped getting email notifications. Does anyone know what is going on with the site? I used to get so much comfort from all of the ladies on here.
jaynie08827 2chr2015
hi. i have no idea. its like everything just stopped. i used to get emails all day and it was nice to hear from others. it really helped to get through. idk just keep responding hopefully ppl will start coming back. btw how are up holding up???
kelly55079 2chr2015
Me too... I stopped getting notifications weeks ago and thought I would pop in..
2chr2015 jaynie08827
I am hanging in there. i was doing pretty good but started having some crazy symptoms so that why I came on here to look for info. i didn't get an email notifying me of your response either. Maybe we should reach out and let them know??
i have been dealing with some stomach issues for the past week....along with some other crazy stuff. How are you?
2chr2015 kelly55079
glad you are here too. How are you doing?