Is it normal during menopause to wee all the time!!!!
Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi all am finding i need to wee alot in the day nearly every hour, is this a normal symptom of the menopause???
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi all am finding i need to wee alot in the day nearly every hour, is this a normal symptom of the menopause???
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jane5216 emma50975
Hi Emma, I had that too. I'm not sure if it's the menopause or that our changing hormones make us more susceptible to UTIs which cause us to wee more. I read that garlic, ginger and honey all have anti-bacterial properties so I started to have more in my diet. Sage is good too. It might be coincidence but I now pee like a nearly normal person! Try a stir fry with fresh ginger and garlic - it won't do any harm and will taste nice 😀
emma50975 jane5216
maria_03422 emma50975
i had the same thing i went to the dr and after numerous tests she said that i had a nervous bladder cost from the anxiety i was in!!! i guess she couldn't find anything so she came with that
it stops for a few months now...
d19606 emma50975
it wasnt so bad a few months back when i was taking norethisteron for prolonged periods but since stoping taking it im back going toilet every five mins.
Shazanne emma50975
I suffer it too
And lately I have incontinence if I sneeze, laugh, cough (even blink it seems sometimes!!!) I work with much youger women and I'm sure they wonder why I use the restroom so often. But A) I usually need to go and B) If I don't I run the risk of peeing myself. I haven't tried any of the recommendations listed by other posters as I wasn't aware of them. But I will now - or else I'll just buy a cork!!!!
menopolized emma50975
such a trap
jane5216 menopolized
If you've had blood in urine go to your GP. It's probably just a UTI but you do need to get it checked out. If it is an infection, they'll give you antibiotics and that will sort it out very quickly. What's Kegels exercise? xx
Lotti1966 menopolized
menopolized Lotti1966
Yes, Jane and Lotti, i got my urine tested and Ive finshed a fifteen day course of antibiotics.
But read in the UTI forum that in menopause these UTI are recurrent and taking antibiotics regularly for them can get you "floxed".
feeling so scared
jane5216 menopolized
Good you're having it checked out so you're in good hands. I know how hard it is not to think the worst but it won't help because anxiety makes bladder issues worse. In the vast majority of cases it's [u]nothing serious.[/u]
I had blood in my urine for the first time last year - went through all the tests including CT scan & cystoscopy - nothing found. Interestingly enough, I had been doing loads and loads of pilates exercises for lower abdominal muscles - similar to Kegels. I was also under huge amounts of stress.
The body will sort out UTIs by itself, it just takes longer than with antibiotics. Best thing is to prevent them: I'm now more aware of what I'm eating & drinking & keeping my immune system healthy. It's just a fact of ageing, we aren't so robust anymore but it doesn't have to make life worse. Reduce your caffeine, alcohol & acid intake; drink a litre of pure water a day and be careful (as I'm sure you are) with wiping front to back & with sex - if that's relevant for you 😉
menopolized jane5216
pinkcatfairy emma50975
I had this for a few weeks and then it eased off, I presumed it was menopause related xx
Trishann emma50975
Yes! Very normal! I'm lazy to keep getting up to go restroom, really annoying at times almost like every 15-20min!