Is it peri or is it my job
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Hi ladies
I've been off sick from my job for a month now and apart from feeling a bit low this week have been feeling better(no anxiety or depression) I have also been on hrt since being on sick leave and my partner has commented on how much better I have been but is it the hrt or is it because I'm not stressed out with work. I guess I won't no unless go back to work on Friday when my sick note runs out but tbh I'm thinking of leaving anyway if my doc won't give me another sick note as the way I've been treated is unforgivable since I first had the awful anxiety 10 months ago. But it got me thinking as stress/anxiety symptoms seem to mimic peri symptoms.
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janet30959 sarah05599
Hi Sarah I gave up my job as a nanny to 3 children in march this year because I was just to exhausted to continue anymore, I am 58 I had a hysterectomy age 47 in 2007 because of constant heavy bleeding and fibroids.I still have my ovaries, I thought I had gone through the menopause back in 2013 I suffered hot flushes and mood swings and tiredness, which was easy compared to what I am suffering now. I now suffer hot flushes, cold sweats, palpitations, anxiety, dizziness, aches and pains mood swings low moods, insomnia, crying all the time. I think stress might have bought on my symptoms I thought I had lost the 4 year old I was looking after ( he was hiding from me) so when I started getting all these symptoms I thought I was just run down or maybe I wasn't enjoying my job anymore as I worry too much looking after other peoples children. I take menopace the two pack one which has helped but I am still suffering and it changes daily some days bad others not so bad I cannot imagine returning to look after children as I really don't have the energy anymore.
I have got a prescription for estradiol 50 mg transdermal patches I am still in denial and think that there is something else wrong with me, even though the cardiology tests and ENT consultant has found nothing wrong, blood tests (apart from hormone tests) are all normal for my age.
Maybe for you it might all be stress related you will soon know when you go back to work, also you are taking HRT so maybe that has a lot to do with it. Good luck I hope it all works out.
Thanks Janet, I just feel so confused and all over the place atm but do feel a bit better than when I was working, maybe It definitely is peri as I have felt different for many years but lately the stress of my job has made the symptoms worse. I don't see myself returning and hoping doc gives me a sick note to cover my notice so I don't have to return at all as I prefer this near normal as I'm probably going to get me than the awful stressed out/peri me for the moment. I guess time will tell when I find a new job.
kelly55079 sarah05599
I work part-time and can barely handle that. I know that my friend took almost a year off her job because she was have such problems.-- She is now back to work because she is close to a retirement bonus or something like that.
Do what's best for you!! As you know stress is not good for anyone.
sarah05599 kelly55079
Thanks Kelly.
Being away from there and feeling more me whether it's the hrt or work has made me realise your health is more important but I will have to look for another job as am not fortunate to be able to support myself without one but I am just trying not to panic about the future and what's going to happen and try and take one day at a time and make the most of feeling like me atm.
lori93950 sarah05599
The main reason we go on HRT is feel like our old selves and I felt different person.
You know your own body and monitor your moods . If you don’t feel down fatigued and feel like a normal person it may be the right combo for you .
Thanks Lori,
I guess I won't really no till I'm back in a workplace or come across stressful situations again as stress definitely makes things worse. I just don't like not knowing where I am with my periods on it(never thought I'd be moaning about not having a period) and I have been having painful finger joints for 2 weeks but that's another subject I've posted.
katyD211 sarah05599
It sounds like the stress of your job is exacerbating your peri symptoms.
I feel like once you decide what to do as far as your job goes - stay? change? - you will relax and be able to see what's really peri symptoms.
Thanks for all your replys ladies, I went back to doc today and he's signed me off for another month to have a bit more breathing space. I guess will take things a day at a time and see how I feel.
Thought I would write an update as yes it's definitely peri. I wrote this post whilst I was on my 3rd week on the sick and felt near normal(I have had weeks where felt normal before so should have known I suppose) so panicked thinking what if I'm taking hrt for nothing and it's stress from my job but most of this week I could feel some of the peri coming back like low mood, but yesterday I was really depressed and should have felt happy as I got the docs out the way(makes me feel really anxious) but just had a black cloud over me and today feel so tired and energy less but I think peri in general makes us overthink everything.