Is it Perimenopause?
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A few months ago I started getting night sweats so went to the doctor and she took bloods for different checks including hormones. She mentioned the start of menopause but as I'm 42 she said it was a bit early. Anyway all bloods came back fine and the night sweats stopped.
Since then though my periods have been all over the place. My cycle is usually 26 days but it has been 19 then 11 and now I'm a week late! I'm not getting really achy mucles/joints. My wrists and elbows are the worst, a dull achy pain which ends up feeling like a dead arm and my ankles are aching but not as much. I'm also getting very stiff legs and knees, especially in the morning or when sitting watching TV, my left hip is sore everytime I stand up.
Basically I'm falling apart!
Can it be perimenopause even if bloods came back normal?
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gailannie Spongebobby
You are at the perfect age for pernimenopausal symptoms. I had the exact same happen to me at age 42 (I'm now 58). And yes, my blood levels also looked normal. My periods didn't stop for another 10 years at age 52 1/2.
I did try bioidentical hormones to help with symptoms, but it really just made things much worse. Your hormones are bouncing around and what helps one day is over load the next. After two years of trying, I finally just stopped and went back to my home grown hormones. While it took awhile for my body to get itself back, things were much much better.
Have you been very stressed lately? That can often be the tipping point for these horrible feelings to happen. After my personal experience, what I'd suggest, is that you slow way down, eat really well, take a good multivitamin, drink plenty of water and make sleep a priority for awhile. See if you can't get things to calm down a bit.
I know how simply awful this can be. It's scary and you wonder if you have some awful disease.
When I did get to menopause, my major symptom was widespread chronic pain. It started in my lower back, my wrists hurt horribly, and I developed frozen shoulder.
Alll very common symptoms for meno. While it took years to find the answer, estradiol stopped all the pain.
Hope this helps, both now and in your future.
TeresaJS Spongebobby
The tests came normal but what tests... maybe not all you needed to have done. Have you tried an herb called Vitex? It's excellent for irregular periods.
Nonetheless if the aches and pains continue you should be assessed for fibromyalgia. On the other hand see if you notice ay food intolerances because as the hormones change so does the ability to cope it stressors even if they're foods.
I wish you get well soon. Teresa
Gailannie yes I have been stressed. I'm a single parent and I work full time, since christmas I've been running 2 shops (I'm a retail manager) and been training new staff as well as staff shortages! My periods have always been regular though and in my job I'm pretty much stressed all the time and this has never happened before. The aches in my wrists are getting worse but I've been back to the doctor so many times (I was hyperthyroid a couple of years ago so still get regular blood tests) she's going to start thinking I'm attention seeking!
Theresa I'm not sure what tests were done, there were a few. Thyroid and hormone was mentioned, I really should have taken more notice! I've never heard of Vitex, how does it work with regards periods? The 11 day cycle was awful so I really don't want to go back to that again.
gailannie Spongebobby
Estradiol has anti-inflamatory properties which may be why you are having some pain.
TeresaJS Spongebobby
TeresaJS Spongebobby
susan21149 Spongebobby
You are not to young and peri menopause begins before menopause
Hope you get better good luck and hang in there
shaznay96184 Spongebobby
Reading yr symptoms sounds like yours are far worse than mine. Only in this past 5-6 wks have my P's become disrupted (always reg as clockwork).
Wasn't surprised to read that your thyroid had played you up in the past tho'. Glad they're checking this regularly as Thyroid problems could be mistaken and just Peri symptoms. That little gland plays a very important role and can be so temperamental!!
Aching joints - bane of my life! Solution for me personally - Menopace Original and a dab of Bioidentical Progesterone Cream = sorted! Felt 100% better within weeks. But this ain't for all - just seems to work for me right now.
I'll not rule out conventional HRT if I feel this isn't working for me, but we'll see.
Because of your thyroid history I'd speak with yr GP again, mention the aches et. At the very least she may find you need a bit of Vit D - the world and his wife are deficient it would seem!!
Vit D, Calcium and Magnesium - all seem to help joint aches/musle pain. But I'd run it by yr GP first. Me: I never go to the Doc, I'm a bit of a medi-phobe, hate taking any meds and have been lucky never to have been 'proper' ill. But I do advise you to badger your GP. And no, you're not attention-seeking at all! Single mum, 3 kids, f/t job - I'd say you're a bloody walking miracle kid:-) !
Stay roll
Spongebobby shaznay96184
Thanks for all the replies, I think I'll pay the Dr another visit and see about any vitamins/supplements that might help.
Looking at all the stories here reminds you just how tough we ladies get it!
* 'Stay well'!!
Bloody Fat Finger Syndrome!!
shaznay96184 Spongebobby
We became grandparents at the age of 48. On reflection we now know how much energy we still had back then, and are grateful that we could keep up with it all (we're VERY hands-on grandparents, believe me!).
A friend of ours had his second family 11yrs ago, aged 46. At least we could give our grandson back, ha ha
!! We now know that we're glad that he came along then as we're not too sure we have that much energy now, and we defo won't have in the next few years!
Oh well, not much we can do about this massive Title Fight we're having with ol' Mother Nature in the Red Corner.....but I won't go out with a fight!
You're just a mere kid in the big scheme of things and I feel for you as its so bloody hard being a parent at the best of times. Look after YOU so you can continue to do the great job of looking after them! Back to the Docs for you then young lady!
Sandy07 Spongebobby
gailannie Spongebobby
I remember being very scared that I couldn't remember a phone number.
Again, many experts say that estradiol will reverse that symptom.
shaznay96184 Spongebobby
Roll with it Kiddo, you'll probably find its helped with writing things down/making lists.....or is that me?!!:-)