Is it reflux ?
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I wonder if any of you ladies can help as I'm really worried . I have had so many health issues for the past year and a half including a breakdown in both my mind and my body following the death of my mum . That was really when all this began for me . I will be 50 in august and still have regular periods but feel like I have reverted to puberty , as I had a very bad time then . My main issue now is that sometimes at night I suddenly awake thinking I am going to be sick as I have phlegm and an acidy liquid in my throat . I have been suffering a lot with catarrh in my throat , runny nose and bad ears . I don't know if this is all linked . It makes me worried to go to sleep . I was only thinking yesterday that I hadn't had this for a while and then it happened again last night . It's almost like I willed it to happen . Apart from the fatigue , aches and pains , migraines , niggly headaches and just not feeling right , I'm great 😃 . Is this catarrh thing normal ? Thankfully my smear test has just come back clear , so that's a great plus point . Please help as I'm really concerned and worried I'm not normal . I've heard that reflux can cause cancer in the oesophagus . So much of a hypochondriac ! Sorry for going on . Jane
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Guest jane63977
So sorry to hear of your woes Jane. My reflux (GERD: gastro-esophageal-reflux-disease) suddenly got a lot worse in my perimenopause years. Had a gastroscopy...all normal...specialist said it was nothing to do with menopause!? The waking at night with liquid in your throat and nausea ( for me it was like a panic as well) is typical of GERD. I found it really helped to slope my bed (head higher by a brick height) and also have a glass of water with a teaspoon of bicarbonate soda before bed. Irritants for me were anything citrus ( lemon, lime, orange, etc), coffee/caffeine/ chocolate, tonic water, are normal, you don't have cancer....Read up on how to make your diet more alkaline, cut out acid-producing foods and drinks, slope your bed and get chiropractic adjustments to help the nerves in your middle back.
gailannie jane63977
So sorry you are feeling so lousy. I will mention that I lost my father to ALZ Dec 2015. It was a long and difficult road, and that's when I started feeling horrid also. Stress is very hard on our bodies. No doubt the loss you have suffered is coming out in physical ways. At 50, some of this can also be hormone related, as your body is silently experiencing decline.
Try to take as good of care of yourself as possible right now. Your body is stressed and needs all the help it can get.
Sorry for your loss!
sharcerv52408 jane63977
Try sleeping with an elevated pillow or a wedge pillow. This will keep your head propped up at night. It sounds like you have a post nasal drip which causes reflux.
pinkcatfairy jane63977
Dear Jane
What you describe is definitely peri/meno related I peri I suffered nausea and breathlessness, heavy chest feeling etc(esp I mornings) I have a small hiatas hernia and have had gastitis and oesophagitis in the past. What you are describing is barrets oesophagus which may happen with excess reflux etc, but having that doesn't necessarily mean you will go on to have cancer, but they will carry out checks if it goes this far. I really sympathise with loosing your mum, what with bereavement and menopause you really will be on a roller-coaster ride now. I lost my mum twenty years ago, so I had that awful bereavement time then. I have had horrible panic etc in menopause so having to deal with bereavement too would I can imagine be such a mountain to overcome!
As with the sickness feel at night, I recommend dont eat too late, raise your bed top end by abit so the reflux doesn't raise back up and make you nauseous. I have a small hiatas hernia and this is what I do. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and fatty fooda, dont worry I do eat and drink all that again now.
Just remember this is just a phase you go through xx