Is Nausea a symptom?
Posted , 10 users are following.
I feel so nauseated at times. Makes me not want to eat and I feel so bloated. Is this part of it??? I haven't had a period for 3 monhts not preg. LOL
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Posted , 10 users are following.
I feel so nauseated at times. Makes me not want to eat and I feel so bloated. Is this part of it??? I haven't had a period for 3 monhts not preg. LOL
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Nancy2121 deedee63350
Absolutely! I vomit occaisionally. 9 months no period. I'll be 50 in December. Awaiting bloodwork results from my gyn, and hopedully some relief from this dreadful time in life! Hang in there!?
chrisann144 deedee63350
My best description is it’s like being in puberty and pregnant at the same time! It sucks the nausea comes out of nowhere my nausea is worse in Peri then when I was pregnant three times! This whole thing just sucks
deedee63350 chrisann144
yasmin49092 deedee63350
Hiya I'm 43 diagnosed 2 weeks ago from bloods as being peri for 3 years no period for 3 months either. The nausea has only been a month but it's a month to much I have a phobia of vomit as it is so I'm in a vicious circle as my anxiety is through the roof as it is and now the nausea I struggling to eat one meal a day xx
caroline06416 deedee63350
Unfortunately yes and bloating. Every month i nlost get heavy boobs sometimes extremely sore nipples....then no period my period seems to come about once every 5th month and I've been like this for3 to 4 years. My jot flushes are worse and I can have at least 10 or more during the day which make me feel uncomfotable for about a minute then they go.i can feel them coming and it's only from my face down to my waist and same on back. I feel tired all the while and totally unexcited about things I should get excited about. I will be glad when this is over as the last 4 years have been horrible I'm 52 this year. Yes I've tried hormone replacement but very expensive as was put on two tablets and along with arthritis meds couldn't afford both.
deedee63350 caroline06416
monique_93857 deedee63350
Was just talking about this being nauseous out of nowhere it's horrible i learn to just ignore it today was something different i ate some spicey cheese and my stomach definitely let me know i ate it good grief my tummy started fluttering then i felt warm as heck so guess no more hot cheese for me I've been through so much over the years i started at 47 now 53 not only have I felt the nausea but they can joints crawling skin sensitive teeth dry eyes dry nose allergies kicked up full force you name it sleepless nights anxiety panic attacks the worse was feeling dread and doomed always fear something was gonna happen i hated it the anxiety would go through the roof if there were a 100 symptoms ive experience 99 of them good luck to you ladies
alison91416 monique_93857
Yep definitely get this. Woke up feeling bloated, background nausea. My tummy looks about 3 months pregnant, although I'm definitely not!