Is PMS really driving me this crazy?
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Is it normal for PMS symptoms to be different every month? I also have really bad anxiety, and "possibly" according to the doctors OCD....but the kind that I only think obsessively not the compulsive behaviors I guess. Anyways I stopped my birth control in April because all of this started in January and my OBGYN thought the birth control was contributing to my anxiety. Ever since then every month, the week before my period, I feel different. Sometimes I feel not motivated, sad, scared, tired, but I sleep really good. And then some months like NOW, I feel restless, can't sleep good, I feel scared and have weird anxiety and different kind of panic attacks...but only in the middle of the night. I just don't understand why its always different. Its like every month my symptoms are different and every month I get scared and start this vicious cycle all over again.
0 likes, 5 replies Smalltowngirl17
My pms symptoms change too ! Last months pms I was so restless at night I would toss & turn in my bed & still no sleep & I had the worst heart palpitations ever at night especially.. sometimes too I tend to urinate a lot, other times I have cramps before my period or I get cramps on my period the one thing that never changes tho is how angry I get or how I cant stop eating. So I never really kno what I will experience during pms & on my period
I am always really hungry for about 4-5 days before I actually start. But all of these other symptoms or non -symptoms
haha start about 7-10 days before....I have had them start about 13-14 before....I don't know what to do anymore to get it more under control. Smalltowngirl17
Yess my anger & moodiness usually starts about day 13-14
Jessicat Smalltowngirl17
Smalltowngirl17 Jessicat
Very well may be. I just don't understand how some months I lack energy so much its hard for me to go to work, which I always manage to, and usually about halfway through the day I feel somewhat better. But then other months I don't really fell "low" I feel more normal but the anxiety and panic and ocd is completely different. Is that how yours is Jessicat?