Is The Coronavirus stressing you out ?
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Hello ladies. Curious to know if any of you are stressing over this virus. I feel like i am on high alert when anyone coughs or sneezes. A few days ago a coworker had a bad bad cough and i went to my boss and informed her. She told her to leave which was great. But last night after having a panic attack in my sleep, i suddenly awoke and my mind went crazy. Then my breathing started and thoughts of the corona virus bombarded . Thinking that i may of caught it, which i didn't. I know when i have attacks in the night and not having anyone around to calm me is quite an ordeal. I am a week before my cycle and i find that my anxiety is sky high. I am not listening to the news and trying my best to block out every negativity.. Today i went out and stacked up on foods, medicine, vitamins, disinfectants, you name it. Just wanting to know if any of you ladies are stressed about this virus ? If so how are you coping ?
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Gigi368 hopeforever
I'm not, not for myself anyway, but I am a tad worried because I care for someone in a nursing home which happens to be the same one (but different state) where the first deaths happened. I know how lax they are with cleaning and hygiene, I'm always on their case to sanitize his room better. Otherwise in my opinion, it's no different than the flu, which kills thousands every year but doesnt make the news bc it's not "new". I'm already OCD about washing my hands and not touching my face unless they're clean, I'll just be a little extra careful. I'm not going overboard stocking up on stuff, this is more media hype in my opinion, than it needs to be.
nancys21 hopeforever
Not overly concerned, but it does worry me a bit more than some of the past virus epidemics have. No one in my state is reported as having it as yet. I have family in AZ, and they have stocked up on paper products, cleaning supplies, disinfectants, and some canned and frozen goods. Never hurts to be prepared. I understand where you're coming from. I've thought I was dying pretty much since peri started 8 years ago.
CarolDR hopeforever
YES!!!! My son's case manager was at my house and she was coughing and I been freaking out every since!! I too stacked in on food, personals, water etc. I live in Kentucky and it is ALL around us! This is a very VERY scary thing! I too cannot listen to news and such because it causes me to have a serious panic! Even the stores are having trouble staying in stock with things because SO MANY PEOPLE are in high panic and stocking in as well! Most likely we will all become locked in our own houses and it can even become air borne!
angie53015 hopeforever
Yes, it's definitely stressing me out. I have always been an anxious person, but this perimenopause hell has made me worse.
I live in the UK and last weekend I had to go to London for a concert. I was totally panicking and wore surgical gloves and a scarf wrapped around my mouth and nose, while on the tube. Some 'lovely' people were pointing at me and laughing !! It ruined my evening as I was worried so much.
I am just trying to stay positive and keep telling myself that it's no worse than the flu, but it's all I'm thinking about at the moment.
Sassyr12a hopeforever
Weirdly no I'm not stressing which is unusual.... Think the sertraline must finally be working! Also helps that I work from home so only have to worry about others bringing it home xx
ImagineOneDay hopeforever
People cough or not i am totally freaked out. I sometimes worry so much that i feel unwell and thinking i have a breathing problem or high fever etc... I have been diagnosed with asthma in early onsets of Peri-menopause. Last couple of days my chest is bad. Then i know my immune system is a bit low and worry what if i easily catch it! Yes I DO WORRY. All the best.
Gypsy014 hopeforever
Yes totally worrying about this.. Like sassy says um home too so more so worrying about someone else bringing it home.. And Angie I wouldn't worry about getting funny looks for covering up , I too wear my gloves carry my sanitizer wipes and cover my face for the most part when I have to dash in and out of a store .. I got the funny looks also.. But like gigi I already have the OCD so I'm always aware.. And the funny thing is theyre announcing on the news to do everything that I already do with my OCD that for years give me a complex which is do not touch door knobs or handles I don't go near people coughing I always have a tissue or something to have a barrier between my hands and door knobs shopping carts ECT.. So aware but I'm still concerned.. Wish they would just cancel school for the grandkids that are with me a lot for the next month that would be perfect then I could hibernate ..
debra64760 hopeforever
Yes very much so. I have OCD too. I wash my hands so much that my knuckles have been burning N drying out. I have bought face mask and even gas mask to. I work from home but had to go to store yesterday did not wear mask. but as soon as I got home I sprayed my groceries down with lysol in the back of my suv and let them air out before I brought them in the house. I put them up and then stripped my clothes off that I had for no more than 45 minutes and washed them. I have been doing clothes everyday instead of every other day. I tell my son to be careful for his coworkers as well if they sneeze come home or tell your supervisor and tell them to go home. My husband has been working too I tell him the same thing. Yes I have anxiety too and I am so worried about this so much. I live in georgia. My father who does not live with me was diagnosed with the flu yesterday and yes he was checked for the virus too. This is really scary. We got our menapause problems personal problems and this ugh,!!!! Let's all be careful ,safe, clean and strong.
staci88515 hopeforever
Yes! I work at a university with HUNDREDS of students utilizing the building where I work. It is like sitting all day in a doctor's waiting room. The students cough and sneeze all over everything all day long and no one disinfects the computers. We had one student cough every 5 mins for over 3 hours straight and we all just had to sit there amongst the germs. It's disgusting, people are filthy.
christine-Perim hopeforever
i went to disneyland a couple of weeks ago. It was very crowded. People coughing and sneezing from all countries. Not worried at all. Trust God and his creation and blessings.
Sgt.lindalee hopeforever
Hi Hope & all Ladies, It is really easy to get anxiety, worry & stress out but, even though some is normal...none of that helps!! Set up a routine that gives you peace of mind, who cares what others think?Right now it is droplets from cough/sneezing...Wash your hands, some who have to wash more often wear gloves(if you wear gloves you can still use hand sanitizer or cloth/leather gloves need washing, wash your hands after removing)keep your hands away from your face, stay away from people who are sick, wipe things down(basic soap & cleaners work)your phone, purse, keys stuff you bring around public....a mask isn't needed unless you have prior medical issues but, if it makes you feel better,& there's sick people, wear one or cover-up in crowds....don't get into the false sense of security(your mask needs to seal properly, if you keep touching your face & adjusting your mask, its not helping...throw it into a sealable bag, put into freezer or dispose & wash hands)you can put stuff into dryer heat kills it or freezer or even sealed in a bag, it needs air to survive, wipe down your bank cards,wallet & hands after touching ATMs,checkout pads,money & etc when shopping wash your produce, throw bags in garbage, or wipe re-useables...there are colds & multiple strains of flu every year, that kills thousands, so far panic is because its NEW & media thrives on fear...CDC has great info on their website...I have been wearing a mask & gloves(my husband has asthma, I need surgery soon) most people have been nice, I tell them I am not sick so it doesn't scare anybody, some laugh & point...let them!! I only have to do 1/2 of my makeup, so 😜 Everybody take care & Best Wishes💒♾💞🐾🌈🎶🍀☮stay safe🧼🤲
sarah05599 hopeforever
I havent been overly worried until italy went into lockdown now im panicking a bit more 😳 I live in the uk but my dog was spayed last monday so i havent been able to go out during the week until my partner is home at weekend to watch her then i nip to the shops just to get out as going stir crazy lol. My partner can get latex gloves from work so im wearing them when i have to take my rubbish down to the bins as live in a block of 6 flats
sabrina1971 hopeforever
Considering colleges and universities in New England are almost on the verge of announcing that they are closing for the rest of the semester (some of them already have) yes, I am worried. there are only 5 diagnosed in my small state, but that number is bound to rise as people wake up, I have always been freaked out by people's lack of hygiene, so if they are not aware or not worrying about this I am not feeling very good about it. We have a break booked to go away to the coast in a couple of weeks and I'm on the verge of cancelling which makes me upset as the break will do my mental and physical heath good, but not if I am exposing myself to more people who are carrying the disease. I am already immune compromised with underlying health issues so if I caught it I would not deal very well with it.
On the flip side I am very worried about my elderly parents in the UK. My mother has a broken wrist so has a cast which makes it very difficult to thoroughly wash her hands. and my father is being stubborn and not washing his hands after being out in the supermarket etc. They are being incredibly blase about it which increases my anxiety even more!
Sgt.lindalee hopeforever
Hi Hopeforever, If you are immuno-compromised, you cannot take ANY RISK with this virus...travelling anywhere, think of all the scenarios where you can come into contact with it, esp. if you are going to an area with a lot of cases!! Your parents are older, that does put them at risk but, they are adults & you cant make them do the right thing...hopefully your Dad will reconsider such a simple request, for your family's health. Your Mom having a cast means she is doing less but, needs to take care to clean her hand(s) and wipe down surfaces, things brought in from public have to weigh if travelling is worth the risk & consider if they close off parts of cities are you prepared to be stuck there for longer? Right now, none of you have symptoms but, if one of you has already been exposed, or picks it up via travel or public places, coming together you could all end up with it, or you could bring it back home with you...It is scary but, you can control where you go & what you do, to keep yourself well. I would have an honest open conversation with the family and decide what's best FOR YOUR FAMILY, then put all your safety measures into place to carry out whatever plan you make!! Good Luck...praying for your family & Best Wishes💒♾🐾🍀☮🎶🌈
pamela2016 hopeforever
im stressing out cause everyone seems to be going nuts and cant find nothing in stores like why people need to clean the shelves of toilet paper ridiculous. i prepare every winter with disinfectant stuff so i didn't need any if that and can understand people rushing to get those things but toilet paper smdh. im in West Virginia so far we holding strong no cases here hope it doesn't come here but thats not possible as every other state has cases. i just been wearing hand sanitizer like crazy if you run out how to make it at home alcohol and aloe vera gel