Is There Anything Funny About This?
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Have you had any moments during this "journey" when you just have to laugh?
Otherwise you'd cry??
For me, I wanted to cry but had to laugh when I seriously thought...
" diapers sound like a really good idea."
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lelawreck michelleds
Hahaha, yes... This one day I even went as far as screaming my lungs out to the Universe and said, "common is this all you got, you've been troughing everything possible in my lap to deal with and now this, common b*tch bring it on", and then I started laughing at myself thinking, my om my I am seriously loosing my sh*t.
I think the reason why we do not start crying is that the emotion at that stage you are trying to deal with is so overwhelmingly sad that we choose to laugh about it in a sense of dealing with it.
It does sometimes feel like you have an out of body experience walking besides yourself and looking at that person whom became a complete stranger to you. You loose all sense of familiarity and this is what I mostly deal with when having my panic attacks. That feeling of, why am I feeling like this, this feeling is so strange, this doesn't feel like me at all and then boom the heart palps begin, the hot flushes comes and then the electric sensation and then you hit the panic attach.
That is also the reason why i keep a dairy, not only for my bad days but good days as well. When having a bad day I go back to my good day entries and I can have a laugh on how stupidly our bodies react to this phase that we are going through.
I know it is easier said than done, but lets try to laugh it off! I also know this is not everybody's cup of tea, but I pray a lot that God gives me the strength to cope with all of this, for in Him you shall find peace and glory.
Mindfullness is good therapy so today I will be thinking off your phrase about adult diapers and just laugh off this big bad dark cloud louring over me! Haha...
Have a fab day.
michelleds lelawreck
LOL You sound like me on all counts. Especially the " I am seriously loosing my sh*t" feeling.
It does feel like a weird out of body experience. For me, 4 months ago feels like 40 years. Who is this person now?
UKJo michelleds
I sometimes think if I give in and cry I will not be able to stop!
I remember laughing to the point of hysteria because I couldn't make a decision and my other half ended up saying "For f's sake, it's a tap...water on, water off".....and suddenly that was the funniest thing I'd ever heard. (We were both under a LOT of stress at the time doing a house renovation and I had literally just started with hot flushes, night sweats - you name it. Difficult to explain but it all hit me at once, no slow build up).
Like lelawreck one of my coping mechanisms is that I make sure I keep a bit of a journal. Each day I write down at least one good thing that happens - it may seem a silly thing at the time, like "today was so sunny we had suncream on and it felt great!" (it was March and I live in England - it's unusual believe me!) or last year in June "I found an old china cup in a charity shop that matched some of my Mum's old set I still have". Just little things that you would normally forget about and just let all the other cra* obliterate.
When I've felt very "challenged" and found anxiety descending I've found that looking back really helps................I am still me and that shows on every page!
juanita93228 michelleds
Yes! Laughing is good for you actually. It releases certain endorphins. But sometimes I have to MAKE myself laugh, you know "fake it til you make it"! I also find myself laughing at some of the stories on here. Not because I think it's funny, but I laugh out of sheer relief, knowing I'm not alone and that I'm not crazy! The ladies on this forum have been a Godsend for me!
michelleds juanita93228
I'm so happy to have found this site too. Being able to talk about this freely with other women makes me finally feel normal in the midst of what's... horribly normal.