Is this normal?? HELP
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I should start off by saying I’m a hypochondriac lol so I’m always like worried after looking things up on web md about stuff going on in the body.
That being said, here's my situation...I'm 32 years old. I’ve been getting my period since I was 12. Never have once skipped a month ever. And I’m always pretty steady almost like clockwork. Like i usually get it the same day or maybe a day or two difference the next month. But weirdly...all of a sudden in October it showed up late. And I knew I wasn’t pregnant. So it showed up late..and even weirder it didn’t come with any cramps. My nipples were sore which is usual for me if a period is approaching. But what's unusual for me is no cramps. People kept telling me just be thankful you don't have cramps lol but it was weird for me because I usually always get them full force. It was very mild symptoms. And now it's November I haven’t gotten it at all this month so far it's November 11th. I got my last period October 5th. And I feel no symptoms. I’m kinda freaking out it normal for things to start changing like this? My fear is it like early warning signs of menopause kicking in? I thought being in my early 30s I don’t have to worry about menopause just yet. But with my period lately not being steady as it usually is & less severe symptoms it makes me second guess everything.
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always_somethin Beachgirl87
Hi There!! From what i have recently learned at my OBgyn, is that our cycles change as we get older. It doesnt mean menopause or perimenopause, It just means our bodies are ever changing. Menopuase starts when youve have 12 months straight of no periods. so even IF, and thats a big IF, you are in perimenopause, you are still releasing eggs and all is good.
You will probably find more relief by visiting your doctor so she can reiterate. But, i see no need to panic here. I recently panicked because my periods were always normal and then BAM spotting that would never stop. thats why i went to the Dr and got the answer i just gave you.
margie1376 Beachgirl87
im in the same boat .. had a 3 week long period, then got my regular period on the same
day it was due originally ( 24 days after the previous ended) and only
lasted 4 days. i also google everything and im terrrified. I have a sonogram on friday and im literally making myself sick im so scared.
I'm in a different boat though lol I've never had a week long period. Mine is usually 6 days at most. But usually 5. I've never skipped any months ever. And I'm usually steady. I was expecting since it came the 5th last month that it would do the same this month. And I got a few symptoms, had a headache the other day & then really low key cramps. But nothing since & still hasn't showed up. And what's weird too it feels like it no where near showing up. Not like what I'm used to. lol I'm used to the steadiness & hardcore cramps. Not having either of those is making my head spin.
Thanks you guys for the feedback xx
I'm wondering also maybe stress?? I heard stress can effect it. My grandpa was rushed to the hospital early October at first they thought he had a stroke. Long story short he ended up going into ICU then had brain surgery. 😦 As we speak he's still in the hospital. Out of ICU though. Hes in like a physical therapy rehab now to get his daily skills back. He should be out early december. But omg the stress I've felt I've gone through in this situation has been so hard. I'm single. No kids. So Im not used to having to feel like I have to take care of everybody. I've been doing that since he went into the hospital. And for a second there was afraid he was going to die 😦 because the doctors had said his age he's 82 made it risky for him to have brain surgery and survive it. But thank god he did. So thats my backstory on the stress. I wonder if thats a factor on why it hasnt show up yet this month?
margie1376 Beachgirl87
all of my periods have also always been normal, except last month.
I have read that stress can so it yes...
Im also freaking out about my situation, testing is extremely scary and stressful for me as i always think the worst.
Beachgirl87 margie1376
I know what you mean. I hate going through tests too. Hoping it all works out for you xx
Well got my period yesterday. Omg just weird how late it was this month. If I had sex recently I would've been freaking out how late it was. Been through pregnancy scares before. But this month really freaked me out not knowing what was the cause. I''m chalking it up to stress. Or maybe my 20s i was already steady dates like if i got it on the 10th this month, I'd get it on the same day or a date later the next month. Maybe 30s are gonnabe slightly different. But it was steady all this year until this month. Maybe stress. I'm just glad its here. Puts my mind at ease a bit.