Is this peri ?
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Hello ladies . I would like some advice please . I am nearly 49 and still having regular periods although heavy and sometimes go only 3 weeks between , but mainly about every 3 and a half weeks . I have had a lot to contend with in the past 11 months following my mums death . Since then I have all these symptoms materialise even ending up in A&E thinking I was having a heart attack , but to be told it was all anxiety. I seem to have constant symptoms migraines , nausea , aches and pains , unsettled tummy feeling , generally anxious . I am on anti depressants , only 10 mg . Why have I still got all these feelings ? I thought the tablets would help . I'm on at the moment , but still feel anxious and nauseous . Please any thoughts ? Also keep getting these waves of heat and nausea and my memory is getting worse .
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deb50 jane63977
Im so sorry to hear of the loss of your mum. Loosing a loved one plus anxiety and stress can have a massive impact on your health. Your loss could have triggered peri or it could just be starting on its own accord. Ask your Gp if you could have a blood test to see what your hormone levels are doing. Or better still have you a local well women's clinic ( know as sexual health clinics here ) these people have a better understanding of women's hormones.
Take care and be kind to your self
patricia16507 jane63977
I am 49, about to turn 50 and have identical symptoms to you. They get worse mid cycle and before a period but I can totally relate to the anxiety and stress feeling which is something to me that feels like I have no control over it. My heart races and last week I very nearly called an ambulance as I thought I was having a heart attack. My doctor and I agree it is perimenopause and I have tried the pill but it gave me a migraine after only 2 tablets. I might try HRT if the symptoms don't settle soon. Your stress levels are probably exacerbating the symptoms as well. All the best x
bobbysgirl jane63977
Mine tried to fob me off with AD's but I said if he felt as (physically) bad as I did, HE would be depressed! But you should get your hormones checked. Ask for a full blood works while you are at it and get a print-out of the results - very enlightening!
Be gentle with yourself and try some yoga, breathing and meditation - calming.
lesley26791 jane63977
Zigangie jane63977
So sorry to hear about your mum. I lost mine at about the same point you are at now.
That was 2012, I was still fairy regular, sometimes missing the odd periods here and there.
I was put on anti depressants and a mood stabiliser and they really didn't help any.
After my periods stopped I was plagued with this awful heat, not hot flushes just boiling hot all the time and in desparation turned to HRT.
I know this option isn't for everyone but for me it has been a wonder drug.
All the things you mention I had and all went within 10 weeks of starting it. I no longer need an anti depressant.
The heat was gone within the first week nausea took about 6 weeks to go and my memory is good again. Depressing still seems to be improving at 6 months into it.
So if you feel like I did consider trying HRT if you can. I decided just to try it for maybe 6 months and now I wouldn't be without it.