Is this peri-menopause symptoms or COVID-19 symptoms?
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Hi all,
I've been particularly anxious around this time of pandemic. I know that since being peri, I''ve had severe anxiety and doctor diagnosed me with panic disorder. I literally could be doing something relatively calm, or uplifiting, no stress and suddenly I'd get air hunger, chest tightness, my heart feeling like its about to stop beating and I feeling as though my rib cage is closing in onto my lungs.
Now, of course hearing that respiratory issues inclduing shortness of breath is a symptom of COVID-19 I've been perplexed as to whether my shortness of breath is linked to that, and not hormonal as I've also get a tingling throat and mild congestion in my nose.
I spoke to my doctor as our health service is not accepting patients at this time due to overload, so they are asking diagnostic question over the phone. My doctor came to the conclusion that I had recovered from a virus that wasn't COVID-19.
I just now sure if I trust that answer, since I feel like I have a cold which hasn't shifted for 10 days now and with the shortness of breath, all I can think is COVID-19. But how to tell if its just anxiety or panic?
Ugh, anyone else in the same boat? It seems unless I'm near deaths door or choking to death doctors will take you seriously at this time.
Opinions appreciated. x
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Gigi368 loonarider
Sounds like anxiety to me.. I get these exact same symptoms (diagnosed in my early 20s with anxiety and panic disorder.) Unless you're running a fairly high fever it's not likely the virus.
Since hitting menopause my anxiety has tripled, I've had to increase my meds. Keep an eye on it though and take your temperature.
Kadija1966 loonarider
I'm having the exact symptoms, stuffy nose, body feel warm but my temp is normal, I sometimes have to gulp for air, feels like I have a sore throat but it's been ongoing for 2 weeks now. My doctor check my throat and says it's fine. However My anxiety level is high, I'm over thinking that I may have this virus, then it drives my anxiety higher and I feel I'm not breathing properly. Its definitely a perimenopause symptoms. Just try to calm down and keep yourself occupied, it does help. That's wat I do.
Thank you both! xxx
Chickadeesgrl loonarider
Hi, I am 51 and my anxiety is through the roof. i am googling every symptom I have & it is never good. It is the beginning of allergy season so I am trying to keep on top of all my symptoms with anithistamines and decongestants. I this tickle in the back of my throat so I want to cough. the front of my neck and throat is throbbing and my ears hurt. it hormones, allergies, something more sinister, flu, Covid.
Ladies, we are all anxious already and this pandemic doesn't help. Mid-march I was starting to feel good and looking forward to spring. Now I feel that I have regressed and worrying about everything. Big hugs to all!
pinkcatfairy loonarider
Hello I am five years post meno and i was only thinking about all gou ladies going through it especially with this virus, health anxiety in peri is bad enough without ha ing to worry about anything else, I will say from my experience that breathlessness featured alot in my symptoms, it did ome and go but it was very much a symptom.