Is this something I should get checked out
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Been having syptoms of perimenopause, FSH levels raised, hot sweats, flashes, head feels in a fog anxiety but i have this other symptoms that is really really scary and not sure if its connected to meno or if i need to get it checked. I keep having horrible visions in my head, things i am really frightened of like snakes and spiders, i cant get them out my head and its horrible. I googled and i dont see any other ladies having this its really scary.
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michelle50768 ladywear
Not sure if its related to anxiety and depression ive been having in perimenopause and just being so unsure if whats going on with this horrible roller coaster ride ive been on for the past eight years.
Sorry I couldn't offer any advice but im sure someone will be able to.
Its is very unnerving though.
ladywear michelle50768
michelle50768 ladywear
Im not sure what to make of it but I would be very interested to hear what other ladies think of this.
Hope you have a good day despite all these symptoms
bobbysgirl ladywear
It is a real bugbear of mine that GP's happily hand out anti-depressives to menopausal women when, if they got to the bottom of the physical miseries and sorted those out, the stress, anxiety, (your visions) and depression would probably all fade away.
It's easy to say 'don't worry' when you are not going through it. But TRY not to worry, be gentle with yourself. Try some breathing exercises - concentrating on your breathing and nothing else has a surprising effect on heart-rate, BP and general well being. Not to mention an increase of oxygen to the bloodstream, very calming. Best wishes.
michelle50768 bobbysgirl
Ive been going through this for eight years now.
I think maybe our brain just doesn't know how to cope... hence the thoughts and images. I dont know im not an expert on these things.
I keep trying to rationalise how I feel and that makes it worse.
On the really bad days I convince myself it cant just be menopause.... Can it?
I never knew it could affect us so bad.
I think the longer we suffer the worse it gets. This too shall pass!!!!
Have a good day ladies
God bless xx
ladywear michelle50768
michelle50768 ladywear
I think we tend to over think things in perimenopause.
I would advise you to get some corsodyl mouthwash for gingivitis. It doesn't taste very nice but it really helps. Get urself an electric toothbrush if you don't have one already. Ive spent a fortune on dentsl bills .
I believe that well for me anyway I try and find something concrete that is causing my symptoms but it is just hormonal.
I have to saysive always had health anxiety about mental illness but it sure has esculated in peri.
Health anxiety is another symptom of peri.
ladywear michelle50768
michelle50768 ladywear
Maybe you have just got it un ur head its the puss causing it. Sometimes in peri we can obsess over things.
Ive had periodontal disease for years and do have some dentures but as bobbigirl has said sometimes iys our sinus which can also act up in peri x
michelle50768 ladywear
ladywear michelle50768
ladywear michelle50768
michelle50768 ladywear
Ive had tjis for many years so kinda used to it now tbh.
Only thing is the costly dental bills.
One thing is.
that works for me is corsodyl mouthwash as I mentioned before.
I always feel poorly after an extraction but im dental phobic and hate the injections.
Hope this helps x
ladywear michelle50768
michelle50768 ladywear
ladywear michelle50768
michelle50768 ladywear
JusT wanted to check in on you to see how you are doing
Did you get your teeth sorted.
Are you feeling any better with regards your hallucinations?
Really hope you arein a better place with this peri stuff.
ladywear michelle50768
michelle50768 ladywear
I have had periodontal disease most of my life tbh so I know how horrible it can be.
Sorty to hear your visions are still bad.
I still think that a strong dose of antibiotics would help at least clear the infection for a while.
I didn't think dentists would extract
a tooth if it was infected?
I too dont know what it feels like to be normal.
Hope you get better soon.
This too shall pass x
ladywear michelle50768
michelle50768 ladywear
ladywear michelle50768